📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2022 ☃❄

March 20 :snowflake: Home Post

Ahhhh I’m almost finished with the last ending but I need to go to bed :joy: I finished the main plot before spring break ended so I’ll count it as a win anyway, especially considering how much longer some parts were than I expected.

999 things as always

Alright, I actually am getting some more answers! I understand why I thought 八代(やしろ) was in the first nonary game, it was one of her daughters :pensive: still finding out more about that but it makes way more sense.

This route is a rough one, I felt so mean :joy: just leaving 四葉(よつば) and 八代(やしろ) behind, man 淳平(じゅんぺい) that’s cold :sweat_smile: super valid of 八代(やしろ) to slap him when we reunited lmao

I ran into some slang I had to decipher:

チャカ and ヤク were fairly straightforward to figure out with yomichan, but マルB?? Definitely had to google that, and it turns out it’s another term for 暴力団(ぼうりょくだん). And of course as soon as I figured out, the other characters were like “what are you talking about, what’s マルB” :joy: It’s police jargon apparently, so that hits differently knowing about セブン :eyes:

I’m really gonna miss these characters once I finish huh, it’s been quite a ride :') Tomorrow perhaps!

Oooh yay, that’s awesome!! It’s honestly pretty approachable for what it is, especially having an ocr or something :laughing: I hope you have tons of fun with it whenever you do!

Oh nice, you should totally give it a go! I think it’s a really good balance of feeling like a more challenging piece of media just by nature of the complexity of the story, but a lot of the writing is relatively straightforward once you pick up on the vocabulary it tends to use. There’s also a lot of times where it’ll use the same word or concept or whatever multiple times but a little spaced out, so it’s kind of a mini SRS haha, very nice actually! And ofc most of the dialogue is voiced, so that helps out too. I’m glad to tempt :joy:

Ohhhh interesting, that makes a lot of sense! Yeah it doesn’t come across that way as much; it’s basically either in dialogue-only format or novel format, and you really don’t see anything through (あかね)'s eyes until pretty close to the end when it swaps back and forth a few times. They might’ve just had to change the last puzzle entirely, it wasn’t an upside-down thing but I still overthought it for way too long :joy: it broke my brain way more than reading it ever did haha.

Oh? :eyes: Very exciting, I look forward to it!

Thank you all for the congratulations :blush: it’s been a great time sharing this with you guys!