📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2022 ☃❄

March 10 :snowflake: Home Post

I got distracted and didn’t play a whole lot of 999 today, but that’s okay; I’m about to have tons of time to play it so very exciting!!

(I also came upon like a character song from 錆喰(さびく)いビスコ and it’s a bop but wow it made me miss them!! It’s been so long, I really need to go back to it :') )

But yeah looking forward to getting a bunch of reading in over the next week or so! Who knows, maybe I’ll even finish the first 999 game :eyes:

Some words

(いぶか)る - to wonder, to doubt
一過性(いっかせい) - transient, temporary
ズボッと - something going right into or coming right out of a place where it fits snugly