📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2022 ☃❄

February 16 :snowflake: Home Post

Alright, definitely better today :joy: I mostly played 999 which was super fun as always, and I read a few pages of (かぜ)つよ and oh man are they going through it lmao. ハイジ said no mercy :muscle:

A bit of 999

I was definitely warned about 999 going off into scientific territory and it’s sure happening :joy: It’s cool though! Not as much of a nightmare as I might have thought, actually; since it’s already supposed to be an explanation even for people who are fluent, it kinda guides you through it I suppose?

Anyway, (むらさき) has been talking about dry ice and freezing and melting points and such while we’re in a freezer, サンタ’s gonna freeze to death in his tank top dude and it’s pretty cool seeing the words for all these things! I like 固体(こたい), 液体(えきたい), and 気体(きたい), pretty intuitive. Of course, in typical 999 fashion, the sciencey stuff is tinged with conspiracy theory-type things, so that’s also a fun time.

八代(やしろ) also managed to sum up 999 pretty well:

All in all a good reading day! It’s amazing what you can accomplish when you’re not super tired :joy:


(あさ)っぱらから - very early in the morning, at this ungodly hour
()()てる - to drive on, to urge forward (cattle)
つかず(はな)れず - maintaining a reasonable distance
率先(そっせん) - taking the initiative
軽快(けいかい) - nimble, springy, light-hearted, buoyant
融点(ゆうてん) - melting point
架空(かくう) - fictitious, fanciful
オヤジギャグ - dad joke (amazing)
あたかも - as if, as though

Speaking of what you can accomplish when your brain works, I circled back around to this and it makes way more sense, thank you!

e x p o s e d
(She really said “oh you’ve been struggling with onomatopoeias? let me absolutely shred you real quick”)

Ooh that sounds fun :eyes: very curious if I’d understand it even a little bit lmao, the real test