📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2022 ☃❄

February 12 :snowflake: Home Post

My brain decided it wanted to do a bunch things for a short period of time today and I was like “yes ma’am” so that’s what happened :joy: I played 999 for a bit and my brain just wasn’t having it, so I pulled out Katamari Damacy as something I could just play without looking stuff up (which was correct, it’s not super difficult but the king speaks in like 90% katakana soooo that’s a thing lmao), then I wanted to try Earthbound since it just came out on the switch and I’ve never played it, but then I remembered Earthbound itself is the localized version so then I set up Japanese switch account and messed around with some of those games, and then my brain said “I wanna play Danganronpa” so I did :joy: (without looking anything up bc brain said no and it’s pretty doable actually! most things I didn’t know I got the gist from context)

So yeah tl;dr today was interesting lmao. I might read some ヴァニタスの手記(カルテ) but I’m busy later so I wanted to record this hot mess :joy: Every day’s an adventure!

(Since my reading was so chaotic I don’t have any words to show for it rip)

Digression about listening

Something I have been noticing lately is that my listening abilities have gotten a lot better! Considering I’ve done essentially no listening practice (whoopsies) I know it’s because of this challenge. I kind of suspected I’d have more luck trying to listen to things once I had a better foundation from reading, but it’s cool to see that’s actually the case! I’m definitely still not good at it, but listening to music I pick up on a lot more of what’s going on, and I managed to watch an episode of 鬼滅(きめつ)(やいば) without subtitles without getting lost so like… I’ll take it! :joy:

(I know this is also like the opposite of how some people work (which is super wild to me) so your mileage may vary)

Welcome!! You got this :+1:

Seconded, none of them looked like words to me either :joy: (I kinda like them though, especially 見様見(みようみ)真似(まね))

You’ve given us such a gift :pleading_face: I love them with my whole heart