📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2022 ☃❄

February 10 :snowflake: Home Post

Today I just finished the last 30-ish pages of the third volume of ラストゲーム I had left (though saying “just” feels kinda wild, the me of a few months ago would’ve been absolutely shook :joy:). As much as I’ve been loving 999 and (かぜ)つよ and such, I think I was starting to drown in big projects a bit. Like… I wanna actually finish things sometimes, you know? :joy:

So tomorrow I’m gonna try to finish up the first volume of アゲイン!! and then pick out something new from my shelf of manga! (though realistically I may very well also play 999 or something, I don’t know that I can stop myself lmao)

But yeah I think it’ll be fun! Here’s to more reading :tada:

(I lost track of my words and honestly I don’t think there were that many wild ones in the first place so just take this: 追求(ついきゅう) - pursuit (of a goal))

Ahhh congrats, that’s super exciting!!! :tada: :tada: :tada: