📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2022 ☃❄

February 9 :snowflake: Home Post

This morning I read some ラストゲーム (totally forgot I did that until just now :joy:) and it was super fun as always! Very classic “person A is sick and person B has to take care of them” sort of situation. Also 相馬(そうま) met (やなぎ)'s sister and like… I’m so sorry (やなぎ), they’re gonna ruin your life :joy:

Also read some more (かぜ)つよ and finished up chapter 2, though I got kinda rushed at the end so I’ll probably reread some of it. But man, it’s wild being this far! I’m officially over 100 pages in :tada: The 箱根駅伝(はこねえきでん) awaits!

(I meant to play more 999 too but I’m very sleepy lmao, I just played for a little bit and 八代(やしろ) was explaining some hidden image experiment, so I’ll get back to it tomorrow!)

Some words

見透(みす)かす - to see through, to see the true nature of something
()()わない - unable to stomach, displeased with
(とりで) - fortress, stronghold
なじる - to rebuke, to scold
意気地(いくじ) - self-respect, guts, backbone
造反(ぞうはん) - rebellion

I know very rude of me to ignore its existence like that, how could I :joy: ふにゃりんぱ please have mercy

Oh man was it a trip lmao. I definitely immediately frantically searched dictionaries and was like ??? and then tried googling it which really just brought up stuff about Zero Escape which prompted me to be like “ah. this is a nonsense word” so naturally I picked it :joy: And of course 八代(やしろ) was like “what in the world are you talking about” so that was a good time. Overall I’d say my process was about the same as it would’ve been in English :joy: