📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2022 ☃❄

February 8 :snowflake: Home Post

Today I read some more (かぜ)つよ and played some more 999; I’m still enjoying them both a lot! Both definitely had some weird moments with like really specific vocab, but that’s okay because I could tell they were just moments :joy:


More puzzle adventures! The “escape” parts of the game are a lot of fun, though the dialogue gets a bit weird sometimes and there’s no voice acting in those sections, so that’s a little extra challenge. The puzzles are so fun though :eyes:

Some of the infamous science talk happened lmao; 八代(やしろ) started talking about like morphogenesis and サンタ was immediately like “just hearing that made my head hurt” so very relatable :joy: He really brought the dumbass energy today, I checked out a shower head and his response:

Sweetheart no :joy: But man I can’t escape the mushrooms huh, they followed me.

I also encountered ふにゃりんぱ, all the cool kids know what I’m talking about I have absolutely no idea, there was really a whole option to just make up a word and mess with 八代(やしろ) for a while huh, this game’s wild

All in all another good day! 999 weirdly feels less exhausting most of the time (except when people start talking about science and ふにゃりんぱ and such), which is the opposite of what I would’ve expected. It’s been really great!

Yay words

野望(やぼう) - ambition
()ぐ - to mow down, to knock someone off their feet
恫喝(どうかつ) - intimidation, bluster
強権発動(きょうけんはつどう) - invoking the coercive power of the state (this was in (かぜ)つよ… yeah)
鼻先(はなさき)(わら)う - to laugh scornfully, to sneer (at)
清々(すがすが)しい - refreshing (refreshing-kun??? the man himself)
()ちつ()たれつ - give and take (bonus grammar point!! つ~つ being contrasting actions)
グラつく - to be unsteady, to waver
トンデモ - unthinkable, outrageous
(なら)()てる - to talk a lot of nonsense
()いて - if I had to (say), by force