📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2022 ☃❄

This is my first time participating in a reading challenge! Thank you for putting it together and continuing throughout the season!

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Planned Reading
  • なぜ?どうして?みぢかなぎもん (1年生)
  • 10分で読めるほんとうにあった感動物語 (1年生)
  • 1・2年生漢字ドリル
  • なぜ?どうして?科学のお話 (2年生)
  • なぜ?どうして?もっと科学のお話 (2年生)
  • 10分で読めるほんとうにあった感動物語 (2年生)
  • 10分で読める電気 (2年生)
  • 10分で読めるお話 (2年生)
  • 10分で読める音読 (2年生)

Depending on the difficulty of all the lack of kanji in the 1st grade readings, I might start with the 2nd grade books and move to 1st grade assuming I’ve covered a lot of vocab in WK and can more accurately guess the meaning of the hiragana in the stories. Right now the list looks a little large, but I just wanted to start with the books I have on hand now. My goal is to finish at least 2 of them and get through the kanji drills for both grades (that I can find).

Currently Reading
  • Pocket Monsters Special Vol 2
  • 絶叫学級 転生 2
  • 獣の奏者1
  • なぜ?どうして?みぢかなぎもん (1年生)
  • 夜カフェ1
  • Pocket Monsters Special Vol 1
  • 絶叫学級 転生 1
Day 1

I was really tired from the NYE party, so I spent most of the day sleeping and taking care of baby. Since it was a survival day, I decided to cut myself some slack. I got through the 5 NHK Easy News articles. The one about the sumo wrestlers was the hardest to sift through because it had kanji and sumo terms I wasn’t familiar with. It was good practice though.

We caught the last part of Charlie’s Angels 2 on cable after midnight, so we watched it in English (after watching Home Alone in Japanese - but it was a recording so it didn’t have subtitles). We had to keep it down because everyone else was asleep so we took turns reading out the Japanese subtitles sometimes. When we got tired of it, I just read the subtitles to myself. Surprisingly it was an easy read. Also saw a word that appeared recently in WK: 屋上 when the sign for Roof Access was displayed.

March Progress

Days 60~62: Finished 恐怖授業転生2 and started vol 3

I’ll be linking the rest of the posts via the dates on the calendar.