日常 | Week 6 Discussion 🦌

Chapter 10

Pages 97 - 104

Start Date: 29th May
Last Week: Chapters 7 - 9
Next Week: Chapters 11 - 12

Nichijou 1

日常 Home Thread

Vocabulary List

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This chapter was great! So much fun to read.

1 short question:

p 104:
What is ナムサーン ? I have no clue and can’t find anything on google either.


I’m struggling to find a decent source right now but this website explains it this way:

南無三!(Namusan!), which is short for 南無三宝 - roughly, “Hail to the three treasures of Buddhism” (the Buddha, dharma, and the clergy). It’s used to request salvation in a moment of danger. Namusan, or Namuamidabutsu(南無阿彌陀佛) is Buddhist counterpart of “Amen” in Japanese Buddhism, which can be found in most of prayers and rites.


ゆっこ is being my gateway to Japanese literature again.


I’m not sure if I found the correct meanings for the bold parts, and having some trouble putting them together.

はろう volitional form of はる meaning to do?


バクチ gambling?
打つ meaning ’ to engage in (gambling, etc.)​’

英単語のみで いざ
のみ only; nothing but​

Page 100

My understanding is that this comes from the idiomatic expression 山をはる that means “to speculate, to gamble on getting the right questions”

Yes, I think that’s the ばくち being used there.

Yes, I believe she’s saying she’s going to bet on only learning (English) vocabulary.


Thank you! That part seems to be difficult to translate, but I have a general feeling of it in my head.

Also, this chapter is in the 11th episode of the anime. There are lots of extra scenes and dialogue too.


On page 97:


Having trouble understanding the でたけど part.

Is it “出たけど”?

If so, maybe the sentence reads something like:

~you’ve been out of school 3 days, are you ok?~

I think it’s 休んでた (short form of 休んでいた) + けど

Translation isn’t my strong suite but I’d translate it in a similar way as “You’re alright, even though you’ve been out of school for three days?”

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Ok, I’m not that good with grammar yet but after looking up online; でいた is the past positive Te form if I’m not mistaken. and けど means but/however.

So 休んでた just means “but absent” or “absent but” (not sure what order that would translate to).

Does that sound about correct?

Thanks for the help also!

Sorry, my last post was super short because I was about to go to bed, I’ll give you a few more details now :sweat_smile:

休んでいた is the past positive of 休んでいる. The ている form of verbs has several uses but I think the one used here is this one where it indicates a state of being. So I would translate 学校休んでた as something like “You’ve been absent from school”


Thanks for explaining. I’ll be keeping an eye out for this use in the future and try to get a better feel from context. I haven’t used Bunpro in a long time, good thing I have my account still lol.

Edit: Just now noticed that いる is to be of animate objects.

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