シメジシミュレーション Vol. 2 🍄

Wow that was hard work! For anyone who doesn’t fancy translating 10th centure Japanese literature on page 51 here is a translation copied from the internet…

秋は夕暮れ。夕日のさして山の端いと近うなりたるに、烏の寝どころへ行く とて、三つ四つ、二つ三つなど、飛びいそぐさへあはれなり。まいて雁などの つらねたるが、いと小さく見ゆるはいとをかし。日入りはてて、風の音、虫の 音など、はたいふべきにあらず。

In autumn, the evening – the blazing the sun has sunk very close to the mountain rim, and now even the crows, in threes and fours or twos and threes, hurrying to their roost, are a moving sight. Still more enchanting is the sight of a string of wild geese in the distant sky, very tiny. And oh how inexpressible, when the sun has sunk, to hear in the growing darkness the wind, and the song of autumn insects.

The Pillow Book by Sei Shonagon, circa 990-1002, translated by Meredith Mckinney

Page 56
Connecting Understanding the link between the Bible, “No Longer Human”, and “Thus Spoke Zarathustra” took a little bit of time reading on Wikipedia!

Page 60 handwritten kanji - is that 自称 美少女(成人)? - self-proclaimed beautiful girl (coming of age)