本好きの下剋上: Week 6 discussion

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Week 6

Start Date: September 19th
Previous week: Week 5
Next week: Week 7


Chapters 15 - 17 (わたしを森へ連れて行って, メソポタミア文明、万歳, 粘土板はダメだ) (44 pages/ 14%)

Discussion Rules

  • Please use spoiler tags for major events in the current chapter(s) and any content in future chapters.
  • When asking for help, please mention the chapter and page number. Also mention what version of the book you are reading.
  • Don’t be afraid of asking questions, even if they seem embarrassing at first. All of us are here to learn.
  • To you lurkers out there: Join the conversation, it’s fun! :books:


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  • I have finished this part
  • I’m still reading the book but haven’t reached that part yet
  • I’m skipping this book

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Forgot to comment on it earlier, but the word 宿直室 is a real tongue twister!


I only started this part today… unmade sentence Flashcards were starting to build up.

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(First chapter)





There were nice things happening this time.
I’ve seen people comment that オットー is the best but I have my vote on ルッツ.
Also, is it a thing that clay would explode in some conditions or is it a difference between our world and that world?

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Yes, it will literally do that if not wedged properly, especially with thicker material. It’s due to the air bubbles trapped inside expanding rapidly.


Nice thing happening this week and for foreshadowing for those who saw the anime.

This week spoiler

I agree ルッツ is the best boy. He is so nice and he is a イケメン. I mean what do you want more.
For your question:

I second that. I did some in Japan and I believe you need to dry it first for around 3 day before cooking it. I’m not 100% percent sure but it can easily break if not correctly made. I do also believe there is a way to prepare the clay before molding but my knowledge on 粘土板 is limited. So the short answer is yes it can break.

When the children were helping Mayne I was always wondering if they had enough time to help her then gather stuff. I had the impression they were more short on time. It does seem they have plenty of time. I was expecting a “helping Mayne = less collecting” but it seems like everyone has time.

I like it when フェイ was so scared he say “It wasn’t me this time”.
Mayne has imposed her authority and now she is respected as a true mafia boss. Okay I have watch too many movies

This part is something I found interesting in the book KNOWING the anime s1. If you haven’t watched the anime it’s probably better not to read the next part.

Anime related foreshadowing(might spoil for non-anime listeners)

I liked the sentence:
Out of context, this sentence seems irrelevant but if you watched the anime you understand the foreshadowing.

In the anime they show it but showing in the book might just attract too much attention to it. It’s fun to see the difference between how a media can adapt content. They can both foreshadow in their own sense. In anime, they can show something for a very short time or in the background, or just slight details that if explicitly written in the book could make it too obvious will in book it’s hidden in speeches. I always like it when I found out little reference like that.
When she was angry at the guys for destroying her 粘土板 I was like.
“Let your anger possess you”.
Again if you haven’t seen the anime that might make no sense.

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That’s not what I was asking about :sweat_smile:, instead I was asking about exploding, which sounded a bit much, but after reading @Starker’s explanation, it made more sense.

That’s a MAJOR spoiler for the book and should be flagged as such.

Justification is also a MAJOR spoiler

Up until the very end, the book is very good at hiding the existence of magic. I was fooled until I reached the discussion in the epilogue and I felt it was a huge reveal. The color of her eyes itself is discussed in the book just after, in the マインのいない日常 short story.

Answer to Naphtalene(this is SPOILER)

I don’t think it’s a major spoiler since I have not said what was foreshadowed. I mean you can kind of see it but I don’t believe that it’s an important spoiler. You can guess magic exists because of the paluu tree that seems to be magic. I Knowing that magic exists is not a huge spoiler in my opinion. Again I did flag it as a potential spoiler so if you haven’t seen the anime you normally would not read my foreshadowing.

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Right, my point is that it should be turned into “definitely spoiler”.

Other than that (continuing SPOILER discussion; do not read before finishing book 1)

Right, I also thought it was weird at the time, especially because トゥーリ mentions a 不思議な力 or something, but she didn’t use the word magic, so I kinda ignored it. Anyway, the existence of magic is used as a big reveal/cliffhanger in the book itself, which got me to buy the next 10 books just because of the timing, so I would not say it’s unimportant, at least, it’s important to me :thinking:


Is Main getting lesson noxious or am I just getting used to her? :smiley: I’m having a lot of fun following along with her misadventures.

Overall this book is really nice and easy to read, and the chapters are these perfekt little chunks. :heart:


My impression is that she is getting better. :slight_smile:


I have been having so much fun catching up. Just finished last week’s chapters. In the last 3 days alone I have read 80 pages! I was so happy for Turi when she got the hair thing. Looking forward to catching up with this week’s 44 pages



Another great, funny line! :laughing:

Of course, then I finished the chapter, saw the title of the next chapter and got annoyed. It would be nice if the author at least tried to not spoil the content of the chapter! :angry:


By the way, the first short story at the end of the book tells that part from the point of view of the kids. :slight_smile: お楽しみにしてね〜


That’s awesome. :grin:

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By the way, that reminds me that I’ve been enjoying the series a lot more reading it at full speed. The plot feels a bit slow otherwise :thinking:


But this speed feels so fast to me! :rofl:

I do agree though. I’ve thought about how if we were reading this at intermediate book club pace I would have gotten bored. It’s just that realistically I couldn’t go much faster than this without dropping other things. If I read book two on my own (which is likely) I intend to go faster, but it’ll probably still take me 6+ weeks instead of 10.


I have virtually dropped everything else at the moment :eyes: That’s not really sustainable though, so I will have to slow down eventually…

I feel like you’ll be able to get faster quickly. The vocabulary isn’t that crazy in volume 2 (although there are still technical terms) and grammar/ way of speaking is the same as in volume 1.


You’ll be able to get much, much faster, if you stick to it. You’ll get used to the vocabulary, and the books tend to show different perspectives of the same event, so you’ll see the same words a lot.


Also, there’s something really addictive about this series. It’s very wholesome, but at the same time the protagonist faces real adversity and actually has to grow as a person as a result. Very refreshing compared to the usual isekai fantasy fare where people are instantly given superpowers or are able to solve pretty much any situation by virtue of having been brought up in modern Japanese society.


I mean, it’s a little bit like that, but it’s very smart about it.