@Belthazar’s poem research club for the betterment of everyone’s education: reading マンガ✖くり返しでスイスイ覚えられる百人一首

We are finishing the first part of the book this week! There’s an easy quiz at the end… that made me realize I only remember the name of 蝉丸 (because it was funny) :sweat_smile: I guess I also remembered the “小町” half of 小野小町, but I’m mixing up my emperors/empresses :sweat_smile: Anyway

Week 4: I would like to research…

  • 16 たち別れ いなばの山の 峰に生ふる まつとし聞かば 今帰り来む (中納言行平)
  • 17 ちはやぶる 神代も聞かず 竜田川 からくれなゐに 水くくるとは (在原業平朝臣)
  • 18 住の江の 岸による波 よるさへや 夢の通ひ路 人めよくらむ (藤原敏行朝臣)
  • 19 難波潟 みじかき芦の ふしの間も 逢はでこの世を 過ぐしてよとや (伊勢)
  • 20 わびぬれば 今はた同じ 難波なる みをつくしても 逢はむとぞ思ふ (元良親王)
  • I’m only here for the discussion, I’m not researching anything.
  • I’m only here.

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I delayed a bit to make sure that we would get research for the previous week… but I guess it would just make things worse to delay further :confused: Should we take a “break” in moving forward to get enough time to analyze the poems we have already?
Also, I guess we could just keep going in this one thread, considering we do not have that much conversation. Do you all still think it makes more sense to make a new thread for the next part?

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