April 29th Daily Reading ブラックジャックによろしく Manga



Analysis incoming, I want Jonapedia’s message first :).

斎藤(さいとう) is the name of the intern
どうしたんだ is the equivalent of どうした

About のです/んです:

Although I generally avoid that website like the plague as I can’t bear the format with the dog pictures, I tried to tackle this issue with her article this time around.

のです has been on the back burner of my mind for a while now. It’s something I wanted to tackle more in depth.

She begins with:

In order to understand how to use ん ( = ), you have to know the form of ** のです ( = ** no desu. ) or **のだ ( = **noda) because * *んです ( = **n desu) and **んだ ( = **n da) are spoken language of **のです ( = ** no desu.) or **のだ ( =**noda.).

So far so good as I already knew about that. She goes on:

  1. 寒いです。= samui desu.
  2. 寒いのです。= samui no desu.
    While 1) is just a factual thing, It’s cold. 2) sounds more explanatory indicating a reason for something.

Now, I was under the impression that のです was used as a nominaliser, that is to say, to turn a verb into a gerund.

In her explanation, she says のです is used to give a reason, as in:

  1. it’s cold
    2)…because it’s cold

Regarding the difference between のです and んです, they both have the same function of expressing a reason, an explanation but んです is more casual. I understand that.

Let’s go back to our example, Saitou’s friend and other intern says:
どうした means “What’s the matter”.

Is he using んだ because he wants to know the reason for something? How would it differ from:


EDIT: The speaker in this case is asking what’s the matter, he is requesting for the reason why Saitou is doing something.

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