April 29th Daily Reading ブラックジャックによろしく Manga

This is a reading comprehension exercise which aims to put the community in charge of the activity. I’ve requested this original message to be a wiki.

How can I participate?
Click on the :arrow_forward:︎ to reveal the text.

★The rules have been updated. Please read the new one.


①Choose one of the letters from the list below. Claim your letter by posting a reply in the thread here. That is so two people don’t end up doing the same letter.
②Edit your ‘claim reply’ with a vocabulary section where you list the vocabulary words and explain what they mean.
③In a reply to your ‘claim reply’, develop your interpretation. This will help people understand and learn from your explanation.
④When discussing the content of the manga, please begin your message with the letter you are addressing. This allows people to know right away about which strip you are talking about.

Places and names↓
  • 斉藤 英二郎 (さいとう えいじろう): the main character. He is an idealist who wants to be a doctor to help people as opposed to become rich.
  • 永禄大学: the Eiroku (or Eternal Fortune) university, where Saitou graduated. Abbreviation: 永大.
  • 誠同病院: Seidou hospital, a private hospital where Saitou did part-time job at night (on Episode 1). It paid well but was in conflict with Saitou’s values and beliefs.
  • 服部 脩(はっとり おさむ): director of Seidou hospital.
  • 牛田 克雄(うしだ かつお): doctor that worked at night at Seidou hospital. He told (on Ep.1) Saitou about how that hospital prefers traffic accidentees as their treatment is not reglemented and can be billed four times more. And tries to get back in contact with Saitou, by phone (Ep.2) then by letter (Ep.3).
  • 出久根 邦弥(でくね くにや): fellow intern that (Ep.2 & 3) trains with Saitou.
  • 第一外科 : 1st surgery department. Eiroku U. follows the “super rotate” method, in which interns train on various different services in rotation; at Ep. 2 & 3 Saitou trains here.
  • 春日部 一郎(かすかべ いちろう): nicknamed “God’s hands”, is a professor at the Eiroku University hospital that just do initial incisions, and otherwise is interested only in study of eels.
  • 白鳥 貴久(しらとり たかひさ): doctor at the 1st surgery department that did the actual operation (Ep.2) at which “God’s hands” appeared. He is the instructor of Saitou and Dekune.
  • 金子 敏夫(かねこ としお): the 75 year old person that got the surgery (Ep.2). Pr. Shiratori assigns Saitou to take care of him; the operation was successful, but he is still unconscious.


Link directly to the page in order to zoom in on the text.

Currently available: All done for today!

Done: A-L
  • title: 第3話 75歳の値段
    Episode 3: the cost of 75 years (of age).
  • A : Nurse: 先生まだ残ってらしたんですか?
    Are you still here doctor?
    Saitou: はい ちょっと気になったもので…
    Yes, there’s something that I’m still curious/concerned about…
  • B & C : お早うございまーす!
    Goooood morning!
  • D : Dekune: どうしたんだ斎藤?
    What’s the matter, Saitou?
    Saitou: 今日ははやけに気合入ってじゃねーか…
    *… *
  • E & F : 血小板60単位 プラズマネート・カッター6本 ベニロン5g
    Platelets: 60 units. Plasmanate Cutter: 6 sticks. Venilon: 5g
    You did all of this to the elder/old Mr Kaneko, right? Dr Saitou
  • G : はい‼ おかげで患者は今日も良好です!
    Yes!! Thanks to (that) the patient is still fine today
  • H : Pr. Shiratori: よけいな事はしなくていい
    Don’t do too much
    I’ll show you the instructions for the treatment
  • I : (family): ありがとうございます 先生!
    Thank you doctor!
    Grandpa being operated by such a great doctor, he will surely be satisfied
  • J : 術後の経過は順調です
    Post-surgery recovery is progressing smoothly.
    The surgery was 100% successful, BUT there are complications with the heart.
  • K : ここから先は正直言って本人の生命力しだいです
    From here onward, to be honest, it depends on the person’s own vitality
    肺塞栓を起こさず回復できるかどうか… 心不全もあるし
    whether he can recover without having a pulmonary embolism (or) heart failure
  • L : Senior Doctor: ちなみにこちらは手術の助手をつとめた白鳥先生……
    By the way this is Dr. Shiratori, who served as an assistant for the surgery… Shiratori bows スッ
    Senior Doctor: あちらは受け持ちの研修医で えーー……と……
    That is the medical intern that he supervises…um…
    Saitou: 斉藤です!! I’m Saitou!!
I’d like to participate, but I don’t know how to!

①head over to Jisho.
②at the very top, there’s an option to draw a kanji if you can’t figure out what it means and you are not comfortable with radicals:

③draw the kanji. Accurate stroke order is preferable:


★(Links to the manga online, previous reading exercises) ↓

April reading exercises - 四月の読書練習

第1話 研修医の夜 (on an external forum)

1日 2日 3日 4日
5日 6日 7日 8日 9日 10日 11日
12日 13日 14日 15日 16日 17日 18日
19日 20日

第2話 ウナギとゴッドハンド

21日 22日 23日 24日 25日
26日 27日 28日 29日 30日

Note: there has been some mixing of pages, so in order to read it in the right order follow as this: …->22->24->25->23->26->…

第3話 75歳の値段

26日 27日 28日 29日 30日

第1話 研修医の夜 : start of reading exercises (on external forum)
第2話 ウナギとゴッドハンド : start of reading exercises (on external forum); then on wanikani
第3話 75歳の値段 : start of reading exercises

The Manga Available Online for Free
Episode 3 : 第3話 75歳の値段
Episode 2 : 第2話 ウナギとゴッドハンド
Episode 1 : 第1話 研修医の夜
Jisho: dictionary

★Formatting Guidelines and ideas↓

Color Coding

Finally asked and found out how to color code:

\color{red} \text{This is Red}

put a “$” before and after that, with a space in between.

More formatting information from @YanagiPablo:

(the LaTeX formating doesn’t work inside “details” nor “quote” blocks; so look at the original message)

@YanagiPablo: you can use this table generator for Markdown which is a lot more user friendly than typing everything.

First message is a lot more compact now, enjoying it. Nice additions those collapse triangles.

I’ll claim A and the title.


第 is a prefix to form ordinal numbers. In this case, it precedes 3, so third.

話 is a counter for stories, so 3rd episode in this case.

75歳 is something we’ve seen before, the age of the patient Saitou’s in charge of and this is connected with the possessive 『の』.

値段【ねだん】is the cost.

So: Episode 3: the cost of 75 years (of age).


Saitou is sitting by his patient, lost in thoughts.

先生【せんせい】can be teacher or doctor;
まだ: yet, still;
Then comes 残る. 残る is a godan verb and it has the meaning of “to remain, to be left”. It is conjugated in the 〜て form.

Regarding the 〜て form:

It does not indicate tense by itself, however, it combines with other verb forms to create other tenses.

So that’s clear so far but we’re still missing information. Let’s keep reading:

Additionally, the ~ te form is used in Japanese to connect verbs in a sentence in order to list out successive actions. Used to connect two or more verbs, the ~ te form is used after all but the last sentence in a sequence. The following are examples of this particular ~te usage in a sentence.

So maybe here it is to represent a sequence of action since there’s no いる・います to indicate the progressive state. Sequence implies a minimum of two actions. I don’t know where the second action is, it could be in the next bubble perhaps.

です『か』at the very end is asking a question. The ん which precedes it is a colloquial version of \color{blue} {の} です if I recall correctly.

①Am I right about my interpretation of 残る?
②Am I right about my interpretation of です?
③What is the purpose of 〔らした〕in the sentence?

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A part 2:



Japanese English
はい Yes
ちっょと A little bit
気【き】 Mood, feelings
『に』 Indirect object particle
もの A thing, an object
『で』 Manner of action particle


How can I interpret ちっと気 here? What would be the English way to put it? A little bit of feeling?

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I thought 残ってらした was 残る+らしい (or maybe 残っている+らしい ?).

But I was so wrong… (it is 残って+spoken form of いらっしゃった (past of いらっしゃる)

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It’s ちょっと actually (which doesn’t change much as the meaning is mostly the same);
However 気になる is an expression, meaning “to wory about, to be concerned about”

I would parse it like this:

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Thanks, fixed it.

気になる is indeed an expression although I’m thankful for the dictionary as I would’ve never guessed “to become a mood” would mean to worry.

So, 気になった is in the preterit because Saitou is worried about being left with the patient. The -te form here means: I’ve been left with the patient AND (sequence) I am worried about it.


I’ve written a message to Ayamadori to join us. I miss her frequent input, generous involvement and medical background. Fingers crossed.

I’ve asked at Japanese stack exchange about らした. It’s an incredible resource, as I usually get a response within 5 minutes of posting.

Here’s the answer:

らした is a less formal, contracted form of いらした, which is a variant of いらっしゃった.

The explanation is actually quite long so you’d better check the thread by yourself, it’d be long to quote it here.



It’s a contraction of いらっしゃる・いらっしゃった which is admittedly really hard to guess. It’s simply the keigo variant of います・いました
So 残っていらっしゃったんですか。-> 残っていたんですか。

Interpretation: “先生, you’re still here?”

Regarding the ちょっと気になった, I would interpret it as “Yes, there’s something that I’m still curious/concerned about…” (probably about the patient, but I didn’t read to check the context), but it’s kind of hard to translate


Keigo is honorific speech.

Am I right in saying: Japanese has three levels of expression:
①keigo: honorific
②teinei: formal
③kudaketa: non-formal

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Re: A

Ahhhhhh! Ok! So basically, it’s just the honorific progressive form of 残る!!!

So it means:
Teacher, are you still here (do you still remain here progressive), there’s something I’m still concerned about

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Yes, but the second half is the answer by the doctor that yes, he is still there (and why)

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Well, keigo can be split in 2, and くだけた言い方 feels more vulgar than using 辞書形(dictionary form, which I’d put in between 2 and 3).
Also, you have タメぐち that is part of くだけた言い方 but is specifically friendly, while the other can be vulgar or aggressive :thinking:


Fair enough. Let me rephrase that:

①敬語: honorific



Could I classify them that way as far as morphology is concerned? Or do they follow their own conjugations rules?

For instance, the dictionary form is more tone-restrained than the タメ口 but both use the dictionary form of expression generally speaking?

I’m glad we’re clearing that up.

Do those subcategories have an impact of the conjugation?

After looking at the image… it is the nurse asking that (so, that explains the deference in speech), and so 先生 should be translated to “doctor” here.

And the second bubble is Saitou’s reply.

(context is sooo important in Japanese…)

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Ahh of course, good catch.

Nurse: -You are still here doctor (not teacher)
Saitou: -Yes, I’m concerned about something

Good catch.

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I once learned that there are two more or less transversal concepts:

The polite/plain (others call it distal/close), caracterised by the use, or not, of ~ます suffix.
That defines the relationship between the speaker and listener.

And then the use respectful language; which is function of what the discourse is about (subject, object, etc), and comes in two kinds: honorific (raises the status of the subject/object, in relation to the speaker), and humble (lowers the status of the subject/object, in relation to the listener).

Of course, respectful language is in polite style also (but not always, because use of politeness suffix is possible only at the end of sentences, so in a relative phrase, you can have respectful language but in plain form… just as here with 残ってらしたんです

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So you would approach on them on two fronts then?


I can’t see a difference between the two, my mind just conflates them.

Anyhow, meanwhile, I’ll:

Claim B.

…and it’s just: お早うございます, Good morning!

EDIT: The first message is now a wiki, edit away.


…is also just Saitou repeating Good morning!

Moving on to:




Analysis incoming, I want Jonapedia’s message first :).

斎藤(さいとう) is the name of the intern
どうしたんだ is the equivalent of どうした

About のです/んです:

Although I generally avoid that website like the plague as I can’t bear the format with the dog pictures, I tried to tackle this issue with her article this time around.

のです has been on the back burner of my mind for a while now. It’s something I wanted to tackle more in depth.

She begins with:

In order to understand how to use ん ( = ), you have to know the form of ** のです ( = ** no desu. ) or **のだ ( = **noda) because * *んです ( = **n desu) and **んだ ( = **n da) are spoken language of **のです ( = ** no desu.) or **のだ ( =**noda.).

So far so good as I already knew about that. She goes on:

  1. 寒いです。= samui desu.
  2. 寒いのです。= samui no desu.
    While 1) is just a factual thing, It’s cold. 2) sounds more explanatory indicating a reason for something.

Now, I was under the impression that のです was used as a nominaliser, that is to say, to turn a verb into a gerund.

In her explanation, she says のです is used to give a reason, as in:

  1. it’s cold
    2)…because it’s cold

Regarding the difference between のです and んです, they both have the same function of expressing a reason, an explanation but んです is more casual. I understand that.

Let’s go back to our example, Saitou’s friend and other intern says:
どうした means “What’s the matter”.

Is he using んだ because he wants to know the reason for something? How would it differ from:


EDIT: The speaker in this case is asking what’s the matter, he is requesting for the reason why Saitou is doing something.

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I see it like this:

A- speaker->listener relationship (determines use of ~ます)
B- speaker->subject/object or listener->subject/object relationship (the grammatical subject/object can be the listener, the speaker or a third) determines the use of honorific or humble speech; two cases:
B1 : the grammatical subject/object is raised in relation to the speaker => use of honorific speech.
B2 : the grammatical subject/object is lowered in relation to the listener => use of humble speech.
B0 : well, there is also the plain case, no special relationship is highlighted, normal speech/vocabulary is used.

お待たせいたしました。(Just a little example of keigo as a joke :stuck_out_tongue:) It’s rather long. I’ll take your classification and complete it + add some corrections.

I’m not sure if I can give you a ‘morphological’ classification, but in my opinion, and based on the Japanese textbook I have, there are three levels of politeness in spoken Japanese:

①とても丁寧な言い方: very polite speech, which uses 敬語 (honorifics). There are two kinds of 敬語:
ⓐ尊敬語: ‘respectful’ speech (elevates the status of the listener; I don’t know how this is translated in textbooks)
ⓑ謙譲語: humble speech (lowers the status of the speaker)

Side note: it also seems that some 敬語 can lower the status of the listener if used to indicate their actions. (I found that out while reading the definition of まい.) In that case, it’s 尊大語, which elevates the speaker above the listener. I imagine such usage is rare now, since probably only people of very high status would be able to say such things. (I don’t know if it would be acceptable even for the Emperor to use this.)

②丁寧な言い方: polite speech, which can be combined with 敬語 where necessary. Typically characterised by the です・ます forms.

③くだけた言い方 ≈ タメ口 (The categories that follow are just descriptions. They’re by no means technical terms.)
ⓐ Casual speech
ⓑ Vulgar speech/slang

タメ口 is strictly speaking a term used by young people to designate speech without honorifics and polite forms, which literally means ‘equal mouth’. I guess you could call it ‘plain speech’? The term itself isn’t a technical term though, since it’s rather informal.

辞書 (形 means ‘form’; 系 is often used to mean ‘system’ or ‘series of interconnected things’, which isn’t quite what we’re discussing here) forms the basis of the くだけた言い方, but as my friend studying in Japan often told me, this so-called ‘dictionary form’ isn’t necessarily casual, since it can be used in formal writing, like scientific journal articles, and as YanagiPablo pointed out, even the verbs used in 敬語 can be used in their 辞書形 when necessary.

In terms of morphology… you could say that each speech level has its own morphology, but it’s not like they’re unrelated. Dictionary form is just the ‘plain’ form of the verb without です・ます, while polite speech usually uses the ‘masu stem’, which is called the 連用れんよう形 in Japanese. 連用 because 連=connect and 用=用語, which are the words that have declinations/multiple forms in Japanese, like verbs. 敬語 usually either uses a different verb, or takes the 連用形, adds お, and then になります behind it (to describe the listener’s actions, that is). Those are just some general ideas. 敬語 morphology is of course a little more complex, and there are things I don’t know.

What YanagiPablo just said as an explanation is accurate, but I think ‘relationship’ (or rather, ‘closeness’) and ‘respect’ aren’t necessarily two distinct concepts. It’s true that in some anime (and I think also in period dramas, though I’ve only seen one), children in noble families often address their parents using honorifics (e.g. お母様 or 母上ははうえ instead of the usual お母さん), but generally speaking, closeness tends to preclude the need for politeness. For example, while we might use it as a joking reference to Japanese grammar practice between Japanese learners, it would be quite shocking if one of us suddenly transitioned into polite or honorific speech when speaking to a close Japanese friend. I’d say it’s more like a tree:

1.Close (砕けた言い方)
a. Ordinary politeness (丁寧語)
b. Increased politeness (丁寧語+敬語)

Each time you go up a level, you add additional components.
[Edit: merged posts]