Reading Vol. 16・ゆるキャン△・ Laid-Back Camp 🏕 (Beginner Book Club)

Oh alright, I was gonna wait till the last week but the pressure is getting to me :stuck_out_tongue:

People are clamouring so much that I can’t imagine we won’t have an offshoot club, so I’ll just ask whether people intend to take part :grin:

Are you planning to read volume 2 with the club?

  • Yes
  • Nope
0 voters

As for start dates - I’m assuming we want to leave a reasonable number of weeks because of issues with shipping right now? Combine that with the fact that those reading フルーツバスケット might want to get a couple of weeks in before adding something else on the side, and the 11th of July looks sensible…? Or perhaps the week after that, to give us 6 weeks from when these polls close.

Correct me if I’m wrong.

When do you want to start?

(I’m taking the “not a fan” option to be a vote for the 27th of June, unless you tell me otherwise by commenting)

  • 11th July
  • 18th July
  • Not a fan of either of those options (please comment)
0 voters

Thank you :blush:

I think we should probably go for one thread per volume from the start though. Having a post to start the week off like we’re doing for Flying Witch works well, even if you have quite a number of comments per week, and the comments always peter out eventually such that it feels a bit silly doing weekly. I reckon just switch it up before that has a chance to happen.

In which case I’m happy to make the occasional threads themselves, if you want to do the weekly posts? Or is that just unnecessary faff? :laughing: I just feel like I want to maintain some kind of connection to my nomination :sob: