[2024] 多読/extensive reading challenge

Well, I’m finally done with the 新世界より series. I’m not sure it’s the longest thing I have read in Japanese (1Q84 would be a close contender) but it sure felt like it.
The third book is at the same time my favorite and least favorite in the series.
Things keep happening and it’s hard to stop reading although the part in Tokyo felt kinda long and very reminiscent of the parts where the main characters are running away from other バケネズミ, like the 土蜘蛛 in the first volume or 奇狼丸 in the second one… At the same time, this part was full of gore and properly terrifying at times (well, I might be just weak to that kind of things though). The scene in the hospital in particular, and the whole war in general… Plus the idea of what would happen to the babies kidnapped by 野狐丸…

Anyway, I definitely recommend the series overall, with the caveat it’s a pretty hard read, both from the language point of view and from the content point of view.

Also, I have now reached 15 books read this year, reaching my stretch goal. I guess I have to stretch further to 24…