Absolute Beginners Book Club // Now Reading: Granny Girl Hinata chan!


Please see the List of Proposed Books section in the first post for the details for each book. Every book has a difficulty associated with it (based on book club member voting) out of 5, where 1 means “no effort at all” and 5 means “impossible, even with everyone’s help”. The difficulty based on the book club member voting is next to each option in brackets.

I will close the poll within a week, whenever it looks like voting has dried up. You can choose up to 4 options . Additionally, now that we have a significant number of nominations, anything that gets very few votes will be removed from consideration for the next poll.

Poll for the next book is here!

  • WANTED - Short stories from the creator of One Piece [Manga] [Score here]
  • あたしンち [Manga] [Score here]
  • 福娘童話集 [Fairy Tales] [Score here]
  • 10分で読める物語 二年生 [Book] [Score here]
  • なぜ?どうして? 科学のお話2年生 [Book] [Score here]
  • なぜ?どうして? 科学のお話3年生[ Book] [Score here]
  • しろくまカフェ< [Manga] [Score here]
  • チーズスイートホーム - Chi’s Sweet Home [Manga] [Score here]
  • 日本昔ばなしアニメ絵本 18冊全巻セット - Japanese Fairy Tales - Set of 18 books [Fairy Tales] [Score here]
  • レベル別日本語多読ライブラリー レベル0 vol.1 [Book] [Score here]
  • White Rabbit Graded Readers [App-Book] [Score here]

0 voters