Woman Radical Mnemonic

I’m glad they did too! There’s always room for growth. And we can always add our own mnemonics if we have a riskier one. My mnemonic for 外 is that I get yelled at for looking ‘gai’ when I go outside lol.


Rowling can get away with saying anything because at the end she always says, “J. K.”


I thought it wasn’t an おやじギャグ thread…


That’s baby level, look at this:


At the risk of getting some hate, I decided to go ahead and post a dissenting opinion. Please go easy on me :sweat_smile:

I think it’s a stretch to say the wanikani team wrote that description of the woman radical with trans people in mind. They most likely meant to allude to intersex conditions, if anything, and to point out that women are no longer seen as childbearers / only good for child-rearing (which are old-timey sexist notions). So in that sense, I do praise Wanikani! I’d hope that no one sees women only as our ability to give birth or menstruate.

I also don’t see how JK Rowling was transphobic at all in what she wrote. Her note was heartfelt, honest, and clear. She expressed valid concerns for women and girls, and she expressed her support for trans people to live in peace and dignity, and that she would stand up for any trans person to fight for their human rights to not be discriminated against (all points which I also agree with). She specifically cited concerns about derogatory language being used to refer to women and girls, and concerns about laws being passed that have the potential to hurt women and girls in many aspects of our lives.

These things deserve discussion, women deserve to have a part in this conversation, and the violent verbal abuse Rowling has faced ever since politely and respectfully expressing her views should be condemned by everyone. If anything, the hate she has been a target of should show how much misogyny we unfortunately still have to deal with in this world, and how much more we still have to go to beat it.

We can’t come to a consensus without respectful dialogue and mutual understanding.


Sure, for the “back in the day they were praised for their wide, child-bearing hips. We may not think of women this way anymore, but way back when Japanese was made, this made them think of a woman.” part. But what about the “Women generally have two XXs for chromosomes part”?

Like I said, intersex conditions seem more likely to me. Some women have XXX, etc.
No matter what, if you have a Y chromosome, you are considered male-sexed, even if you are intersex (which are incredibly rare disorders of sexual development - DSDs - and have nothing to do with being trans).


I for one was surprised by Rowling coming out as a terf, though I agree with her on this.

I agree with missbelle that the mnemonic does not seem to be taking a position on trans for the reasons she gave, at least as it currently stands. I suppose you can read it that way if you like.

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LOL! This thread is a pile of dry kindling just waiting for a match. Pity the poor sod that dates to go against the consensus here!


Not surprising

Well at least you know that some of us support you…but I think you lost your thread.

Lol. It really is.

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Rereading my post, I can see how it looks like I wasn’t supporting the thread, but I was saying I wasn’t surprised that that user doesn’t support it.

I know you were speaking generally, but I wanted to clarify anyway.

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Hahahaha, that’s one of the first things I read on KanjiDamage. They pride themselves in their politically incorrect mnemonics.

Hey everyone! I’m really glad that that mnemonics like this one have been well-received by you all. We think it’s important that our users feel comfortable while reading our mnemonics and also while engaging on the forum.

If you ever feel there’s a mnemonic that doesn’t sit right with you, feel free to write to us about it (hello@wanikani.com). While we try our best to create content that is funny, relatable, understandable, etc., sometimes (most likely unknowingly) we should have phrased it differently. So, we appreciate hearing how we can improve.

For this specific mnemonic, it was actually edited and made more inclusive after we had a write-in request by a users. I wanted to let y’all know we’re definitely listening to each and every suggestion or request.

I’m going to close the thread so that it doesn’t get too derailed but just wanted to let you know that we support it!