WK vocab not used by Japanese people

Thank you all for providing so much insight into the word!
What I understand from all of your help is that WaniKani is 100% wrong to use the word “convention”. Since even though the kanji means “large meet” it’s never used for anything that the english word “convention” means. But instead the “alternate meaning” of “tournament” is actually the best primary meaning for 大会.

That happened to me a few times. It feels as if the word is mocking me.


It’s definitely used in the right situations, any AKB48 fans here? じゃんけん大会
that’s probably the first place i heard it used.

well it certainly is a “large meet” kind of thing, which includes festivals and so on. i guess “convention” was chosen to disambiguate 祭 and 会

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I think we established that convention as in party convention is a 100% correct use.

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I don’t think we did. All we established is that the particular convention you imagined is usually called a コンベンション, but there are other types of conventions too.

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As leebo said, not necessarily, although personally I would have the primary definition as tournament or event.

I agree, especially since among the younger generation the word “convention” is most commonly used for things like TwitchCon, gaming and anime conventions, etc.

Still don’t know where they got 100% wrong on “convention”.

Yeah the only time I remember hearing 大会 used was in the movie “A Silent Voice” where they go to a 花火大会 which is not a tournament, and it appears from this thread to be a very common usage of the word. They might have gone with “meet” for a definition, but meet in English is a very ambiguous word with various usages and parts of speech so… I mean, you can’t sub every piece of Japanese as a 1:1 correlation for an english word. It’d be nice to be able to though.

Edit: maybe “event” as a primary meaning might be best.

Forget about 標準語, consider 関西弁 、北海道弁、and I just discovered this 沖縄語 - YouTube :clap:what :clap: the :clap: fuck :clap:

Well Okinawa (and their language) is unique because of their origins as a separate nation until the late 19th Century.

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