WK Spacing System, Paying to Wait

Wanikani is set up in a way whereas when you start off you will be getting every new set to apprentice, this will continue until you get your first set into guru, now in the same length you get new sets you will start getting the newer sets into guru, when you get your first set in master you will start taking the same time it took you to get your second set into guru to get into master and so on until week after week you’re getting new things into burnt. This means that as you go on past and present levels will begin to overlap like crazy and you will be getting hundreds upon hundreds of reviews every day. Even at level 5 its starting to become a little turbulent, yesterday I had around 90 lessons (40 vocabulary early and then I leveled to 5 and got a 50 lesson set with kanji vocabulary and radicals) and over 1-200 reviews which was by far the most i’ve had in a day and was just a bit of a strange timing getting a lot of things to guru and having a lot of vocabulary that involve kanji i’ve already learned but so far most days haven’t been like that. Clearly that level of reviews will become common place as I keep going but eventually you’ll get more stuff. When you get around level 10 you should start learning grammar and hiragana only words so you’ll have something to do on slow days.

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