WK Mnemonic "Art" for Kanji Levels 1-7 (Radical Levels 1-10)

Oh my gosh! I’m honored!
And if you want just the head as your profile pic, I cropped it for you:
Jack Frost - Copy


Found this thread too late to personally get much use from it (installed the script anyway for lookups) – but wanted to say that I love what you’ve done here. Also noticed @Sinyaven’s script wasn’t listed on the wiki post, so I’ve added it to hopefully make it easier for users to find this while they’re still working through these levels.


Oh I think you stealth edited in the crowd version. I just did it now.

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Level 8 radicals incoming!
I might just focus on doing these radical doodles for a while because they’re so much faster to make. And then go back to doing the kanji drawings once I have a lot of these knocked out.



Level 9 Radicals coming your way.



Level 10 Radicals:



That was so fast! Yesterday I forgot to add the new level 9 images to the script, and today I already have two new levels to add!

I was a bit surprised that you changed the “geoduck” radical to a second “head” radical – now I’m slightly curious if you prefer the “head” meaning, or if you just wanted to avoid having to draw the awkward shape of a geoduck :laughing:

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@Sinyaven , I can’t thank you enough for all the work you put into that userscript. It feels like you’re my biggest fan. :laughing: I get so excited when I see that you’ve updated it. Gives me that much-needed validation for my dinky little drawings. :relaxed:

Well, the geoduck radical never stuck with me at all. When I first learned it, I pretty much immediately added the “head” synonym. But, yeah, geoducks having a rather…interesting shape to have to draw is another reason for the change. :joy:


I’m experimenting with a new template for these kanji drawings. I want to make them more like posters, where the kanji is front and center and the mnemonic stuff is weaved around it.


@AmandaBear, thank you so much for your drawings and @Sinyaven for creating the userscript! They make learning kanji much more enjoyable! :smiling_face:


Hi there! If you want to continue creating visual mnemonics for WK items, please check this thread. You can see many interesting AI generated arts that is related to the mnemonics.
Following that, we create a Discord server to make this into a project with an intention to at least fill half of WK items. Feel free to join us here!

Btw, @AmandaBear would it be okay to use your art mnemonics in our userscript? We are still discussing it in the discord server, tho, but better to ask your permission.
I know your art is not generated by artificial intelligence, or maybe are you? :laughing:

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This is what I came up with, thought it’d be fun to share! This is a shi-4.

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Can someone compile all of this into a Drive File plz? Would be a lot more manageable that way.

All the Mnemonic Artwork by @AmandaBear now available on iPhone native App too!

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