Why is 万人 at level 42 now?

万人 used to be at level 5 and now its at 42? I understand that Wanikani moves words and kanji around to try and make it easier to learn concepts and words (like separating intransitive and transitive verbs).

I only noticed this as I like to skim through all my stats and noticed the 公 got moved to level 10 as it was the only kanji burned in that level. So I got wondering what word or kanji got moved the farthest back and for me it was 万人. I understand maybe moving this word away from other words like 一人 or 三人 as those words are more about counting people while 万人 is more a phrase used to say a lot of people or all people.

Not that I’m asking this to be changed I just think its kinda funny. Imagine getting to level 42 just to see one of the words you’re learning is a word that uses two kanji you learn at the very beginning of your journey. :slight_smile:


Because 42 is the “Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything” :wink:


I was thrilled when I found that for the meaning of 四十二, WaniKani actually accepts The Answer as a correct answer. As I couldn’t love WK more, then I encountered this, my mind was blown away instantly :innocent:


My guess is that both the meaning and the reading of the word are somewhat unexpected, so they decided to move it higher. Why all the way to 42? I’m not sure.


Kouichi truly works in mysterious ways


Probably due to the fact that many use WK as their main tool to learn japanese (for some reason) and to mitigate that they use fairly uncommon and out of place words when they go to hellotalk to do their basic conversations.


Its probably a frequency thing and not so much a difficulty thing. Plus its good to remember where you came from chest pound, peace sign


What?? You mean 吾輩は日本語対談が出来る。日常、実践します。優しく君を会います。 isn’t natural Japanese??


I would probably pay money to see the faces of japanese people when a beginner starts talking like an old man the shogun locked up hundreds of years ago.


Because if you’re at my level (my limited level of Japanese conprehension, not my level on WK) the ばん reading is roughly 10,000 times less worth knowing.


万能、万事、万歳(everyone knows this word)

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Aww. Why ruin a bad joke? :grin:


:melting_face: :sunglasses::thinking:

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It"s also around level 26/27 lol so my guess, they just recycle words to get the “8000” vocab they claim you learn. I’ve found words recycled here and there

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?? I only see 万人 at level 42. The only vocab with 万 I see at level 26 is 万年筆, and there’s nothing with 万 on level 27. They do introduce the radical 万 at 26 but that’s not a duplicate.

its weird, i cant find it now. i literally did it this morning in my review and “learned” it a few weeks ago. i thought it was so odd when it came up with new vocab bc I could have sworn i had learned it already. idk, maybe living here in Japan i’ve seen it somewhere multiple times and have imagined this whole experience. lmao

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