What's your motivation to keep studying Japanese?

Me too! Do you feel you’ll be prepared enough?

Congratulations! (why do you think you got stuck on 12?)

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I am trying my best to learn as many vocabulary as possible right now, because that’s the part in Japanese language learning for me that I struggle. I also bought “TRY” textbook series book for N2 preparation, looked over some of the vocabulary and oh my WANIKANI lord! But I will try my best.

As for being stuck, I think it was mostly because the summer break started and I was getting too relaxed, so ended up not using wanikani at all (also the end of the spring semester with all the exams, presentations, papers and so on was pretty intense, not to mention the fact that I work part time here in Japan (in a restaurant called Saizeriya, it’s pretty popular here in Japan).

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My first reason is to keep my brain active. As time goes by, synapses starts to die. I don’t want them to die so I always find something to learn and study.

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Almost the same in terms of how long I have been interested in Japanese. I started my studies in college, but once I hit a wall and comprehension became too challenging, my motivation to continue my studies waned. I just couldn’t move forward, even with a tutor, so I ended up stopping.

Fast forward many years and as an adult learner I started from zero because I became interested in making soba from a soba master, and I wanted to connect on a deeper level. So I started a class and had fun with my other (adult) classmates and knew for sure that THIS time would be different. Well, then two things happened: I got pregnant, and also hit the wall again. Obviously being a new mom makes language study difficult, but then I also hated that I reached a point where I just didn’t get it anymore.

Sidenote: I think there’s something about the grammar, once you need to start making more complex sentences, and the verb conjugations that I just can’t wrap my mind around. Haven’t figured out how I am going to navigate around this sticking point this time around, but here I go for the #3rd timed! LOL

The plan is to self study for the fall, and then jump into a class over the “winter” (I’m in LA). I’d love to meet a teacher that I can talk to about my Japanese learning challenges and maybe steer me in a direction that will hopefully lead to success versus frustration.

I also just recently returned from Japan (holy cow was Tokyo melt-your-face-off-hot) with a bunch of craft materials that I would love to be able to read, as well as a stretch goal to return in a few years for the school summer vacation to just take classes and explore. Japanese food magazines/craft books/magazines are so amazing and a lot more interesting than what I see here in the States so I’d love to reach a high level of understanding…I also want to try dying fabrics. So here’s hoping that’s enough of a factor to keep going when the going gets tough!!


It took me six months to notice an improvement, and I was/am also doing RocketLanguages.com Japanese for speaking practice. So it took me learning from several different areas (speaking, reading, writing, grammar, culture, etc.) to see improvement.

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