What resources you use to study daily?

This year I’d pretty much dedicated all my study time to Wanikani. I still have about 150-200 reviews a day, but I’m finally refocusing on grammar. In the last 3 weeks I’ve read Genki I and the Basic/Essential Grammar sections of Tae Kim. My main goal atm is to finish Genki II, but I’m looking into starting BunPro (I just don’t want it to be as much a time sink as WK!) Maggie sensei’s blog looks like a great resource and I want to check out Satori Reader too. I do plan to finish the Core 6K, but grammar’s too much a limiting factor for now.


Tae Kim’s Grammar Guide …
And that’s basically it.

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Since we’re taking resources, I thought I’d put in a good word for the Genki app.

“What’s that?”, you say. “There’s a Genki app?!?” you say. “Please, pgoonhgang, tell us more!!

Well, OK. Yes, there is a Genki app - for iPhone at least. I am not sure of availability on Android. If I remember correctly, it was about $5 and definitely worth it for beginner to intermediate students. It is almost completely focussed on testing verb and adjective conjugations and after using it for a while you can develop an intuitive feel for the conjugated verbs (much like a native English speaker has) and then sort of forget the rules for conjugation since you will recognize the verb or adjective in all it’s conjugated forms.

That was really one of my goals when I was at the beginner level. Sure, I needed to learn the rules for forming the Te-Form, but I knew there would come a time that without having to think “OK, it’s an うverb with a final む、ぶ、or ぬ…” instead I could just say 読んで. The Genki app is a great way to help with that.

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Could you post the exact app you are talking about? I see several Genki apps and want to try the same one you like.

This is the one I was talking about.

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I’m using only WaniKani atm. It’s a bit of an alternative and perhaps less recommended than some of the other methods I’ve seen online, but I want to wait until either the end of Level 10, or perhaps Level 20 (still deciding) before I start tackling grammar etc, just like the FAQ (or at least I think it’s the FAQ) suggests.

My biggest struggle has been doing some Japanese daily, and since subscribing to WK I’ve found that using it and all the level up, “this is what you learn next” type systems help me feel like I’m making progress and also make the studying more fun, so I want to make sure that I can figure out a way to keep that as I slowly start to both get used to and transition away from WaniKani. If I can get to the point where I’m consistent in doing some Japanese daily then I’ll expand to other resources but for now trying for 30m - 1h of WaniKani a day is working well and doesn’t leave me feeling overwhelmed.

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I think the only “resource” I use daily is reading. About every two weeks I make a shopping run to Animate and grab some random LNs and manga. I use to be really good at keeping up with WaniKani daily, but, as I’ve gotten to a higher level, it’s started to feel a little unnecessary since I’m learning readings and vocabulary from reading than I am from WaniKani now. I have a lot more grammar knowledge than likely a lot of people at my level though, so that helps. Japanese has for me as gotten to the point that I don’t “study” it anymore, just utilize and learn it more.

Aside from that, like any of the others here who live in Japan, daily life is a resource, as performing my job requires at least some Japanese conversation and definitely a lot of reading (though I have several coworkers who use a decent amount of basic English aside from the English teachers).


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