What I wish I knew starting off

Congrats on your level Up for 19 Lswan san :tada:

We have a huge support community for those who started this year. It’s called “Level 21 before 2021”. It is the single most important reason that I am still sticking with WaniKani and has been a huge reason for my success. You can join that thread.

If not, you can join its sister thread “Let’s climb Tokyo Skytree” for Level 21 and Higher. You can directly join this thread even if you are not level 21. A vast majority of the folks on these threads are people who joined this year, people who joined during Covid and people who returned during Covid.

I understand everyone has a suggestion on the single most important thing to do here. Mine is “Community”. Just by virtue of being here, you can learn a lot. We can learn from other people’s mistakes and tweak things. (Not applying things blindly but fitting them to your style.)

Here’s to a long and wonderful journey of learning ahead @Lswan san :confetti_ball: よろしくおねがいします :bowing_woman: :bowing_man: