What else can I read to improve my reading?

This is completely the opposite of what you’re asking, but… hear me out for a sec! :innocent:

I feel like I am in exactly the same boat. I have taken the N2 before and failed to pass and the two things I felt were missing were kanji (which I turned to Wanikani for) and reading comprehension, especially of formal / news type readings.

I am constantly reading fun things like manga, and watching Anime that I understand >90% of even without subtitles (though I often watch with Japanese subtitles just to expose myself to more reading) and barely learning anything new.

To that end, I am trying to make myself to read short news articles in a few different ways:

  1. Reading articles from a book I bought called “新聞で学ぶ日本語” which has short one-paragraph articles taken from old Japan Times articles and also includes vocabulary lists as well as a CD with TV/radio-style audio of the same topics as the articles.
  2. Occasionally checking NHK easy news for any articles on subjects that might interest me, and if I find one reading it and then trying to read the linked original article or watch the news video.
  3. Taking a Japanese class (on Zoom) focused on Kanji and reading, where every other week the teacher gives us 5-10 abbreviated articles on current events to read.

The last one works the most reliably (since we read them in class, and so I can’t avoid them), but it’s also the most expensive.

So, I know this answer isn’t at all what you asked for, but…

If you would be interested in trying something similar, I would be happy to be your accountability partner. We could set up weekly meetings on Discord or something and do an article or two each week? If we got a group together (maybe from the JLPT Accountability Partners thread?) we could probably do it more often or have different people find the articles each week.