Weow! Koohi.cafe - A WK friendly SRS [300 vocabulary lists!]

Update 5/16 - Mostly User Feedback

Also I updated the book club list (jfc)


  • You can now view lists/the reader without being logged in (drop a link to a list in a public space Xd). Limits: 100 for vocab list, 1000 for reader
  • Review button is greyed out if you have no reviews


  • Added a mash all entries (similar to Floflo exporting) @morteASD
  • Options sidebars moved to left side to telegraph that you should adjust things first before generating datasets.
  • Removed separate rows option - there’s no reason that a user needs access to data in that raw of a format.


  • Fixed messed up trash/delete tooltip @nemurineko
  • Kanji that match a word in the book (ex: 私) will not have a “jump to” button
  • When generating from link, an invalid “item” parameter will take you as far as it can
  • Deleting a word from the search will sync it with the generated list


  • Fixed “more info” button not working


@Redglare fixed the entry

Not done:
@morteASD I don’t know what was causing that word you linked to be in the wrong order

@Vanilla I’m not sure what’s causing the unknown word counter in the library to not be synced with the new unique word counts. I’m not seeing anything in the code that would put them out of sync, but here we are.