Welcome to the new WaniKani forums

1+! It’s a bit annoying now :confused:

I dunno, I might leave it there for another week to a few weeks… For those people who wander in and out of WaniKani as life takes them different places… ?

That’s just me though.

I am posting my obligatory hello in the forums to help remove the checklist from my main login page.


Hooray! Welcome. Enjoy your stay. Sniff the flowers. Burn some turtles.

ありがとうございました! What a fast and kind reply. I think I will enjoy it here very much :slight_smile:

No problem.

Advice and help for lower levels over thataways!


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Going to reach 2 weeks soon. I find it somewhat distracting.

Hopefully this site helps me reach fluency as well as proficient reading skills

Welcome! Hope you enjoy it.
How long have you been studying Japanese?
What resources are you using to learn?

2 weeks and already level 8??? How did you manage that? I’ve started a week ago and am just at lvl 2 oO Thought next to work it is not easy to keep up with the vocab and such and sadly I’m not a natural learner. But hopefully with dedication I can get one day close to as fluent as I am now in English :slight_smile:

They meant that the new forums have been up and running for about two weeks.

Hello everybody! Not sure if it’s mandatory to post something but I got stuck after learning the first Radicals so I’m just following the checklist! :sweat_smile: I’ll post a more sincere message later on but for now I just want to KEEP LEARNING!

Hey there,
welcome to WaniKani :slight_smile: I’m also still new here but a very nice community and an interesting way to learn your Kanji :wink: Have fun!!!

Hi :smile:

Gosh, everything is so bright. Reminds me of hospitals. Wow.

Uhh… I’m lost, guys.
What do I even…
How do I even…
But will it even…
Should I even…
deep breathing

curls into fetal position and cries

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@alexbeldan (งಠ_ಠ)ง

Edit: Aw c’mon!! Seriously?


This will be a fun game to play.