Welcome to the new WaniKani forums

Hello world

Hello! Welcome to WaniKani!

Hello! Please enjoy your stay!
Which is hopefully forever.
\( ̄▽ ̄)/

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Oh my word this is lovely

I thought I saw someone ask but I don’t remember and search gives me nothing. Do the chattygator, turtleburner and golden children still exist?

I think it was @AnimeCanuck who asked, and I do not believe we had a reply

Yep, it was me who asked, @Mnemosyne. And I had made it up to 4th place, too… and had kicked Apraxas out of the top 5… I was really proud of kicking him out, since he’s never around.

I have a feeling that will be but a memory… but I hope it returns in some new form… (Especially because it was nice to see the 5 newest Guppies, and who recently got more burns… and all of that. That was fun!)

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Nice name!

Yeah, I would like to see those again, too. maybe later when they are done with the more important stuff.

Excuse me but it took a long time to become a chattygator, there is nothing more important :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


:yum: Congratualtions on that anyway! Quite an achievement!

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Wow! I love the look of the forums! Thank you for all your hard work, Koichi-sensei :smiley:

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Don’t forget @viet.
He’s our forum 先生.

(Edit. Whoops. that didn’t need to be an @ viet. Sorry viet! Useless mention!!)

Hello, welcome! :slight_smile:

Hope you enjoy your stay.

Highest I got was 8th I think. But the only thing that really matters is that I beat Shottie.

Nice. My goal was to beat out Mayu. Emisan beat me to that. But then I thought “let’s just get Apraxas out since he’s not around anymore”…

It was weird for a moment with the forums being in read-only mode…

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At least that wasn’t just for me (the read only mode)

I remember pushing out Kelth, then Sirvorn, then being overtaken by Sirvorn, then overtaking Sirvorn again, then barely being on the forums for 7 months.

I miss Sirvorn

I miss Sirv too.
She’s the best. And the only way I would have ever gotten my 涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 light novels from Japan. <3

I wish she would grace us with her presence every once and again…

I have @anon75098302 and @Cassykins to thank for my introduction to Yaoi. Thank you both of you for improving my life :slight_smile: