Week 1: ヨコハマ買い出し紀行 (Intermediate BC)

So, this is my first intermediate book club. :slight_smile:
I was quite interested in this manga when I saw it a while ago, but a bit concerned reading it without furigana. However, had an easier time than I expected!

As someone who likes calming slice of life anime/manga this is just my cup of tea, also a robot protagonist is always a bonus. :smiley:

I already found the answers to my questions above, so thanks everyone!

Also, I started a wordlist for myself, how can I share it?


Upload it to Google Drive, share the link here.


Then I’ll just add the link to the main post.

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Thanks! It’s a bit messy at this point, but I’ll edit it to match with the format from the other book clubs’ wordlists.

Here is the link: ヨコハマ買い出し紀行.xlsx - Google Sheets



Wish I’d discovered the weekly threads earlier! :upside_down_face:

I’m enjoying my first manga book club so far. Just difficult enough. Much of this discussion would have helped if I’d seen it!

I use the computer for reviews, but the bookwalker app on my phone for reading. Harder to navigate the discourse site on my phone.


I’m jumping into this way late, but keen to catch up before the next book starts in a few weeks. Finally got my kindle onto the Japan Amazon so reading became way more convenient.

A bunch of weird old man pronunciations but I think I struggled through. Couple of questions.

Page 12 where he said
あんた有名人だよファン多いよ and later 実は私もファン
Are we meant to know something about her character and her fame - or is it just neighborhood famous?
(If it’s coming up, I’ll be reading on)

Page 14 I’m a bit confused by the ending of the chapter. Is she actually floating, or are we in metaphor territory. Does 本当の人間 here mean “it makes me feel human again” (my suspicion of why she’s famous is possibly leading me astray here, and thinking she’s some sort of super powered alien)


It’s something like, she and her cafe are a local landmark. So, she’s not world-famous, but without her knowledge, people have come to know of her.

That would be page 40, so your page numbering seems a bit out of whack. And we’re in metaphor territory. Like, her playing has taken them on a journey, sort of thing.

It’s something along the lines of “sometimes I forget that Alpha isn’t a real human being”, though the “forget” seems to be somewhat implied.

She’s a robot. That’s made clear on (the real) page 14, so there’s no particular secret identity thing going on here.


Thanks! I said 40 In my head, and sound-aliked it to 14 when I typed it. Apologies

Page 14 I read as metaphor (because she was riding all the way to Yokohama…) - but that’s understood now.

It explains my uneasy feeling about her identity.

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Was tempted to read it as ガソリン ありボックス, hehe. But there’s 升 on lvl 60 which accepts “box” as a meaning, so I figured square = box, must be the box kind of ます.