WaniKani with real-life studies

Yes, that’s what I’m planning to do. I’ll probably take around that amount of time in total. On average I would say I spend one and a half hours on WK each day, but I’m working on being more efficient myself, so it definitely could take less time!

I found it a lot harder to keep up after I skipped a day or two. My momentum’s lost, reviews have piled up, accuracy’s dropped (and therefore more apprentice items). You can, but imo not too often, or it’s really just making it harder for yourself.

I have so far. Depends on you personally though, especially how much time you’re planning to spend on either studying for school or Japanese.

My personal schedule is:

Lessons + reviews at 5pm
Smaller session at 9pm
Longer session at 7am–9am (depends on when I wake up)

You can of course follow that as well except the longer session, which would be at 5am — exactly 12 hours after doing lessons the day before!

Good luck, and please do ask if you have any more questions :slightly_smiling_face:

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Seriously, if you’re potentially going to take around 2 years or more, just but lifetime when he sale comes around. You can pay for a year now and have the difference offset what you pay for lifetime during the sale.

wait so if i decide to buy lifetime when i still have around 6months in my yearly i get a discount on lifetime?

The part about taking a day or 2 off isn’t something that I plan to do often, it might be 1-3days off for finals at the end of the year but that’s about it, I only plan to take breaks from WK to study for a big test or so.
And I will be sure to ask if I have any questions, thanks! :slight_smile:

Yeah, you’d get the six months’ worth of annual subscription deducted.

I’ve also done WaniKani while at university. With taking some breaks during exam season, I got to level 60 after 460 days (and now I’ve reset a little since doing the fast levels right before a break isn’t that smart of an idea lol)

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I see, that is a significant problem. I’d say that you can do your lessons at 5 or 6 pm after work, do the first reviews at 9 or 10 pm and wake up in the morning at 6 am to do your second reviews! You can free up the morning and afternoon time for school and fill in your studying in the evening.


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