WaniKani, timezones, forecast questions

Hi, I made this account some time ago, when I was living in Hong Kong. However, I had to move recently, and here I am in Germany, but my forecasts are still in HK time. Can I adjust it? If not, is this really even worth worrying about? I don’t mind, as long as it doesn’t slow down my progress or affect the course in another way. Thank you!


Welcome to the community :sunflower:

The timezone does not affect your progress but you’ll have to do the math in your head. Looks like there is six hours time difference between Hong Kong and Germany…

We’ve had a discussion about it a couple of months ago. I’ll leave the link for you in case you are interested:

Good luck with your studies :four_leaf_clover:


Yes, you can. Just go to your Preferences → Profile here on the Forum and change it.

@tls I’m not familiar with that discussion. But, there is a timezone feature. It’s just changed from the forum side of WK, not the Dashboard.


Welcome to Germany! Are you a native of Hong Kong?


And it changes the time labels in your forecast for you?


The Review Forecast is based on your system time, so if you change your system’s time zone and refresh the dashboard it should then update.

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Is this a question about the reviews not coming in when the forecast says so (forecast system time different) or are you questioning why the reviews are coming in 6 hours early? Items you have lessoned are all on their own timers - i.e. everything in your queue is on HK time and will remain there until your next review of the item. You’ll see the same thing happening in the transition between summer and winter time. The items don’t shift like the clock does.

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I see, thanks!

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