Wanikani screenshots 📸

The power of leeches.


I just had to add that synonym.


I’m finally learning these bad boys :3


alright so my past four months ago self decided “hey wouldn’t it be funny if I did a bunch of lessons so that they would come back to bite me in the future” and then I had 200 enlightened queued up.

Needless to say, a lot of them didn’t quite make it.

And so, today we hold an un-funeral (because they were going to get burned but then they didn’t get burned) for the following items.

long text

May you rest in peace. Until I burn you. Unless you become one of my leeches. Then you’re here forever.

Edit: probably need to hold a permenant funeral for some of the radicals.


I officially burned my last radical :v:



Is anyone else aware of this level 13 radical error?

It shows that the meaning is “original.” This was marked wrong.
I entered a synonym “original.”
That worked.

I think this was related to an issue with the update that came out today, should be resolved now.

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Used to be five lessons, no unlocks.


I guess it’s re-education time…? ¯_(ツ)_/¯

All done. Having gone through the transformed radicals, I can say that I approve. Most of them have changed to match their kanji counterparts, so no more freaking out because the Ghost radical doesn’t accept “circumference” as a valid answer. Changes from “Real” to “Book”, “Sail” to “Boat” etc. are great too, simpler concepts for easier memorization. I’ll miss my oppai (云) though…

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when kids grow up, they lose oppai access. some regain it later from a different mom.

some don’t

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for a bunch of renamed radicals and changed mnemonics?
wow man. sacrificing 37 levels to the crabigator for close to nothing, i sure hope he blesses you with divine accuracy and sends you a pizza every saturday.

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Uh, thanks for the encouragement. I was feeling overwhelmed to begin with, starting to forget things, and the new mnemonics and renamed radicals confused me a lot. Keeping a uniform set of mnemonics is really important to me. I might as well start anew, now I can just level up quickly to get back to where I was.

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stay strong. i can’t imagine your pain, but i forget a lot of stuff, too, all the time. i just say fuck it and keep going.
stuff will come around again, and when i hit 60 one day, and everything’s burned, i’ll go through every level with the bulk unburn script.
nuke it from orbit, it’s the only way to be sure.

Thank you. I will! I did so until now, but with everything else going on in my life, this is a welcome pause from new things :slight_smile:

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This is really really funny, considering the content update… Bunch of new radicals to unlock!


かがみちゃん is blinded by the beauty of this announcement.

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Anyone else really love their reviews right now?


Oh wow, you just went for the whole lot, huh? :joy:



Welp…Guess this level is gonna take an extra couple days :frowning_face:


Yeaaaaah, totally :rofl: Not only that, but I will have to stay on WK for 6 more months to burn everything to the ground D::::::::::
