Wanikani Reorder Ultimate [old version, not working]

Argh… didn’t notice the scrollbar when I was editing. One moment…

:point_right: [ v2.2.3 ] - FIxed item counts in hover-tips.

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Hi, guys,
The script shows all the options to me and everything, but they do not actually reorder my lessons, they remain the same as loaded :frowning_face:
My version is the lastest: 2.2.3. Chrome with Tampermonkey.
Anyone can help me? :slight_smile:

Did you use the scales on the left and right to choose how to reorder? And the check-boxes in the middle to sort by type or level? If you did, did you also try a force reorder?

Ooooh, I’ve just done that :stuck_out_tongue:

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I have noticed as of within the past few hours that this is really messed up at the moment. Take a look at the pic below. I did some lessons 2 days ago and it was fine then.

Only other script running is WK open framework

Drop back to version 2.2.1 [here].

@maxb, it looks like your changes had some side-effects.
[edit: It looks like Wanikani itself cares about the order of the $.jStorage.set() calls.]

I might add that on some occasions the level boxes just didn’t appear yesterday. I chalked it up to a poor connection, but maybe it’s related.

:point_right: [ v2.2.4 ] - Reverted to v2.2.1, and fixed item counts via alternate method.

@Dazza, give this a try.

@maxb, rather than swapping the $.jStorage.set() order, I just manually called the toggler() a second time after the sets. It’s not efficient, but it’s a simple fix without digging deeper into the script.

It’s not entirely obvious to me what is wrong in the screenshot?

There should be another scale on the left

The lesson is a kanji, yet the five items in the lesson group are radicals.

I think the left scale is missing during lessons because lessons themselves (not the lesson quiz) don’t have a separate reading and meaning, so no need to have reading/meaning priority.

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Basically the items in the lesson are now completely unrelated to the list at the bottom

@rfindley your 2.2.4. seemed to fix it :slight_smile: thanks

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Hello! I cleared my browser cache the other day and the script stopped working. When it was rebuilding the dataset from scratch it was looking for an HTML id that didn’t exist. I made an edit to my script locally and was able to fix it.

Is anyone else having this issue?

You probably have to update the script to the version @rfindley just released. They changed stuff with ids so it killed older version of the script.

I get this now during lessons :thinking:

I’m using version 2.2.4 linked a few posts back

I’m having some issues with the layout on script. I’m running version 2.2.4 on safari. Here’s an image of it

Don’t know what’s causing it, so any ideas?

Sorry if this has been asked before, but I can’t figure out how to actually use this script. I’ve set the sort types and levels, for example 7 > 6 and radical > kanji > vocab, but every time I force reorder it just reorders completely randomly. I find myself hitting force reorder several times to try and get a batch with mostly radicals, but its all luck. I’m using Chrome and script version 2.2.4.

Am I doing something wrong? Have I misunderstood what this script does? I thought that if I set radicals > kanji it would give me whole batches of radicals until they were all in my queue, then move onto kanji, etc.

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You have to tip the scales on the left and right to set the sort priority.


I should tip both scales once or how? Sorry for my stupid question :sweat_smile:

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