WaniKani + Rainmeter (Windows)

bk-210 said... Windows users have been a little left out of all the recent API fun. I myself don't use Windows, but since it's クリスマス today I figured I would download a trial of Windows 8 and port my WaniKani + GeekTool desktop widget to Windows.

This version looks pretty much identical to the Mac version even though it was rewritten from scratch. The most noticeable difference is that it uses Segoe UI instead of Helvetica Neue as default typeface. Also, it relies on Rainmeter instead of GeekTool. Rainmeter is in most ways vastly superior to GeekTool, and makes the installation process much simpler for the end user.

Here are the steps to follow:
1. Download and install Rainmeter
2. Download and install my Rainmeter skin: http://cl.ly/0u0L1R3Y001l
3. Go to C:\Users\Your_Username\Documents\Rainmeter\Skins\WaniKani\ (ugh, backslashes…) and open WaniKani.ini in a plaintext editor (such as Notepad, or something better like Sublime Text)
4. Go to http://www.wanikani.com/account, copy your API key, and paste it on line 13 of WaniKani.ini after “APIKey=”. Save the edited file.
5. Right click the Rainmeter icon on the Taskbar and select “Refresh all” (or wait 5 minutes for the skin to refresh automatically).
6. Move the skin to where you would like it to be by clicking and dragging it (but make sure to click directly on the text or icons, or it won’t move).

Optionally, you can customise many things, such as the colour of the text and icons, by making very simple edits to the code in WaniKani.ini. Most of what you might want to change is located in the top 30 lines of the file, and I’ve added comments to make things easier. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. A good website to find nice colours and their RGB values is http://www.colourlovers.com/.

The icons I included are from the Iconic icon set and are licensed under a CC-BY-SA 3.0 licence. Here’s a link to the author’s website: http://somerandomdude.com/work/iconic/.

Hope you enjoy! (=^ェ^=)

Edit: Posted a slightly improved version which displays the current time instead of the time obtained from the API request  for “Next Review” when the next review is available now.  Since the skin only fetches new data every 5 minutes (so as not to overwhelm the WaniKani servers), this meant that the Next Review time displayed was in the past four minutes out of five when you had reviews available now.

Edit 2: If you decide to install Rainmeter in portable mode, check out Psycoder’s extra steps (third post on first page).

Edit 3: If you want to display a 24h clock, replace the timeConvert.lua file in  C:\Users\Your_Username\Documents\Rainmeter\Skins\WaniKani\ with this one: http://cl.ly/code/2l0Y0Q321Y0m/timeConvert.lua

 What is the name of the cute  cartoon-based figure?