Wanikani promotional code

You are on a roll today! :grinning:


yes that’s my plan. i will just wait for the promotional code haha

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If you message the WaniKani support folks and ask nicely “are there any promos available?” they are likely to provide you with a 20% off coupon. That’s what I did before I did a yearly subscription.

Get a promo code for a monthly sub, pay for 2 months, then in December when they do the annual lifetime sub sale (I believe I read it usually pops around 18 December) beg family for $200 to go that route.

If you pay for a yearly with the code and then go with the lifetime, they prorate the lifetime price based on how many months are left in your yearly sub. So if you have 11 months left on a yearly, and go with lifetime those 11 months of money don’t get lost/thrown away.


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