Wanikani memes

They’re the same, change my mind.


Don’t know if somebody has done this before, but…

I just watched a 10 minutes long video in Japanese, and I just love how after nearly 6 months of serious studying the only thing I understood was “boku wa” :slightly_smiling_face:


could it be woooorse? haha

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I took my N3 exam this winter when I was lvl 35 or something and listening part was like a…地獄
It’s all about practice. After just a week of listening to podcast I could already watch attack on titan in raw. Good luck! 頑張ってね!


It’s a real struggle… I haven’t gotten to do much listening in Japanese, but with French, I can understand most things I read and express myself pretty well speaking, but when I have to listen to natives speaking, I get lost so fast. Like, I understand all the individual words they say, but the full sentences don’t register. Seems to be the same when I listen to anime without subs, but clearly that’s different from actual natural spoken Japanese.

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Thank you!

I must admit that video was the first Japanese piece of media I properly watched/listened to, so I wasn’t expecting too much…

It was just shocking how I didn’t get more than just that one expression :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I’ll make sure to take more time out to practice listening from now on :grin:

Exact same thing!
I know individual words, but when spoken at natural speed…

By the time my brain manages to recognise and remember the meaning of a word, the person in the video has already spoken 5 sentences :joy::sweat_smile:


I also didn’t understand anything in the beginning but it gets better
over time. The more you listen to audio in japanese the easier it gets. You can do it, good luck!


I (and all of my classmates) had the exact same problem with Spanish after 2 years of study in high school. But with Japanese I was already watching live streams without subs every day for a few months before I started actually trying to learn it. My listening comprehension seems to be leaps and bounds ahead of everything else. Even though I know barely any words yet, I keep recognizing them pop up, and I can recognize and distinguish the Japanese phonemes in real-time. (Couldn’t at all with Spanish because I was only exposed to American teachers with thick accents who never taught phonology.)

If the issue is more about the meaning of words in your mind lagging behind, I find it helps immensely to do 2 things. One is when learning and reviewing flashcards, say the word out loud every time, even if it’s a foreign->native flashcard. Try as hard as you can to vividly visualize/conceptualize or make physical motions that conjure the idea of the word, not an alternative synonym from your native language but the actual meaning of the word itself. If you have the knowledge to do so entirely in that language, then use it in a sentence. If you can manage to initially associate the word directly with it’s meaning rather than a translated proxy, you don’t need to worry about severing that extra baggage later.

The other thing is to talk to yourself in the foreign language when your alone. If you’re not alone, then at least do it mentally. Narrate your thoughts, or just describe what your feeling/doing. Some people function with audible mental thoughts from their native language anyway, but apparently some don’t experience this phenomenon at all. If you don’t then I suppose this might be a lot more difficult.

I find that both of these help massively to learn how to think in a new language, rather than sift through it like a spreadsheet of data haphazardly stored in my brain.


Ohhh, thank you!

I’ve already been trying for some weeks to say some words in Japanese here and there when doing every day activities… Nothing too special, but it helps to build my confidence and make the language more familiar to actually speak out loud :smile:

Slightly jealous of your listening comprehension level! Wait for me to catch up ください!:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Let’s both continue doing our best :muscle:t2:

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Y’all are welcome.


When you see that one leech for the fourth time in a day…


Note: I do enjoy WK :slight_smile:






Trying to check the POLL thread going-ons:

Accidentally tapping the yaoi thread instead:


(Really tho, that thread is so scary :joy: Full of spiderfingers and monkeyfeet)


“It’s so cute”
“Ew the art style is so weird”


Learning the 5th reading belonging to a single word