WaniKani Content Overhaul

I’ve already transformed him into “Farmer Joe” in my mind.


Yep… I was having a hard time remembering the mnemonics for 経 “passage of time”. Since the old mnemonics are not displayed and I did not know the old mnemonics in the first place, I got Anki cards with WaniKani 2017. It was worth: The dead uncle from the KKK was much more effective than the cake. I copied it to the kanji reading notes.

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I’m wondering if a separate tool to learn the changed items would be beneficial. For radicals, especially. I’m going through my reviews as normal, and automatically am entering the old names, which of course are being accepted, but I’m not learning the new ones.

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“offensive” should just not play a role at all.

making radicals what they are as kanji: great.
removing popculture references: awesome.
trying not to offend anyone:

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There’s also no reason to go out of your way to say stuff that is hurtful just because you can’t think of something else that would work and be as memorable.

And offensiveness largely did not play a part in the overhaul changes. It’s just something people latch onto.

EDIT: People can choose to regard my opinion as less relevant for being someone who doesn’t use mnemonics all that much, though, if they so choose.


wk should implement the functionality of the user mnemonic script, let us share our things.
yes, they might have to remove one from time to time, or make it only visible to the creator, but i don’t believe that makes a dedicated mnemonic mod necessary, full time.
it works on memrise, and people there suck at writing mnemonics. it works on kanji.koohii, and those rock.
too bad those are for heisig, not wk.


I’m offended by the KKK… they took Joey Ramone’s baby away…


Anyone else have weird issues with the forum levels once you submitted form TFG42?

I’m level 20 but ever since I submitted to the DORC and relearned a bunch of radicals the forums think I went back a level.

The forum levels are just delayed like that sometimes. If you log out and back in, it should update.

Regarding the Hard Gay mnemonics - personally I think it’s a bit offensive, and many LGBT groups in Japan say this character is offensive, but I don’t really care if its used for memorizing kanji… like I am not angrily shaking my fist at the computer screen when it comes up. If it helps you remember the kanji reading, then great! Lol.

But, I do think it’s interesting because I think it were a character that is a negative stereotype and offensive for someone’s ethnicity or gender or religion, it probably wouldn’t be on the site, but Hard Gay is and everyone is very quick to defend its use.

Also, with the content overhaul they removed pop culture references that others would not get without looking up, but then they use Hard Gay which is a pop culture reference that we have to look up…

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I think they still use it because they actually tell you to look it up, and when you do, it’s… something. Unforgettable, for some. Other references (like Charlie Sheen or Mullet) are either secluded to a certain geographgic area or time period, and they don’t really give an explination. They just kind of expected you to know them.

I’m pretty sure they said they kept it because they couldn’t think of anything else good. If you have suggestions let them know and give some examples of how to build mnemonics using it for a few kanji. Personally, I like “sabertooth tiger”.

Is there an error here?

逆’s story is: Your scooter takes you to the barracks, drops you off, and then goes in reverse all the way back home.

Barracks looks like this 屯, looks like slide + mountain + umbrella. In the kanji there is no umbrella, but two slides? This only happens with that kanji.

And I see two drops facing each other, isn’t that just horns? And now i’m really nit-picking but the top slide looks more like the ground radical if you compare it with other kanji that use the same radical


Sauron is very disappointed in you, WaniKani.


I mean, Highly inappropriate!

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I just want to tell you and @jprspereira that I LOVE that idea.

Especially as someone who is on a long “vacation” right now…

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So I went to check out some of the older radicals I’ve burned… which led me to nailbat/fingers… and then the kanji for Hit (apparently I haven’t burned the kanji for HIT yet)… and while the old mnemonic made sense, the new mnemonic is HILARIOUS. (I said “yes” to old mnemonics because the old/new tabs are not there by default!)

I look forward to using the new mnemonics in the new lessons… um… at some point… when I’m done learning Greek for my Master’s.


But it’s SO HUGE, Don!

I thought it’d be the same size as my vacation banner.

BTW if you’ve gone through and removed Sauron, Ent, etc how come Chewbacca is still everywhere?

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We couldn’t come up with something better, so we didn’t change it. “Chew” didn’t work because we try to stay away from verbs when we can. If the change wasn’t going to be better, we didn’t waste time on it because of how time consuming the entire process is.

If you can think of good replacements for ちゅう and はん (Han Solo) or any of the other pop-culture-y ones send them in: hello@wanikani.com :+1: