WaniKani Content Additions: Wednesday November 16 - Wednesday December 7 2022

same here!

Oh no! There was a stray space on our side. I’ve removed it, so it should work now. Sorry about that :bowing_woman:t3:


Yep, works now, thanks!

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Phew! Thank you for pointing it out!


I believe I used the sentence search feature of Jisho. (See source link, below.)

That is certainly possible, as I was relying on Jisho’s parsing of the example sentences from Tatoeba.com. However, I’ve recently learned that Jisho does its own ‘filling in the blanks’ of furigana of sentences from Tatoeba, and sometimes it makes wrong guesses.

Here is one of the links I used to find such kinds of words. Might want to double-check the examples from Tatoeba directly (links are next to each sentence), as Jisho sometimes even replaces the correct furigana at Tatoeba with its own faulty guesses. (I didn’t know of this flaw when I made the earlier post, and only learned it in the last few days.)

Source: Jisho sentence search for “係 かかり #sentences

[Note: If you use the built-in search links at the entry for 係 (かかり), under Links > Sentence search for 係, or Links > Sentence search for かかり, you will get 411 results and 187 results respectively. The former mostly being instances of 関係, and the latter mostly being kana-only, so I couldn’t be sure it referred to 係 specifically.

That is why I combined the two criteria manually, as ‘係 かかり #sentences’, to find sentences with both the kanji and the kana. These are the ones (12 results) where you can find the examples I mentioned earlier; however, these are also quite possibly cases where Jisho is simply mistaken. I am not sure. Indeed, the first few I checked do not actually include any furigana at the original source Tatoeba, so it seems that Jisho is indeed doing its ‘fill in the blanks’ trick, which is prone to error if it guesses the reading/rendaku wrong.]


I’m seeing all the changes except these. They’re still showing up as level 35+.

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Thanks @hx9! It looks like the changes didn’t save properly. Are they showing up correctly for you now?

Personally I’m a bit annoyed that the changes kept trickling across a few hours at random times instead of all of them at once (same day’s batches).

I’m really grateful for the work that went into these changes. Whenever I use an Anki deck, a significant part of my study time winds up going into curating that deck. With Jenny and her colleagues at Tofugu taking care of that, I can focus on learning Japanese, instead of on crafting the perfect collection of things to learn.


The missing Kanji was added to my lesson queue and the new vocab are now listed at the right level. Thanks for the update!

I’m appreciating the trickle in of new lessons rather than getting them in a big clump. I feel like I’ve been able to keep pace as a result!


@wct Thank you for the detailed information!

I believe Jisho made the mistake because I was able to verify that 販売係 is pronounced はんばいがかり on goo辞書. So we’ll probably stick with our current vocab addition plan! Again, many thanks for your help in improving our content.


Wonderful! :partying_face: Glad to be of help. :blush:

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Does anyone know whats up with EtoEto? The page seems like it’s gone, or did the url change? Im sure its not done yet and thats fine but it seems to have disappeared?


:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: I love that this is still a question.


Is it that surprising? (Well, the thread chosen for the question is surprising, but not the question itself imho.) If you’ve left the subject on “I’ll check it when it’s done” or similar, it’s easy to miss the little that has (not) happened since. People seem similarly confused in a WK thread from just a year ago.

To answer @PityPancake’s question, if I got this right (and sorry if this is off-topic for the thread), last “official” written update is from six years ago, stating that EtoEto would be recreated on a completely new format because Koichi was unhappy with the whole thing. In the thread above a podcast from three years ago (16:11 mark) was mentioned. In it Koichi says that they’ve gone through prototypes but that he doesn’t want to give any timetables.

So to summarise, it’s not ready, it was abandoned to work on something completely new that hasn’t transpired since.

(And reading that thread I see this subject has been a longer-standing issue for @VegasVed. Which is fine, I’d just point out that not everyone knows what you know! I had no idea since I haven’t really been reading these forums, and because of that your answer came off seeming like it might be ridiculing the questioner! Cheers.)

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Nah, it’s not meant to ridicule the questioner at all. It’s just turned into a meme on these forums, so I actually believed the questioner was cracking a joke since they know about it in the first place.


I remember having this discussion about two years ago, looks like my suggestions did not went through then :frowning: :stuck_out_tongue:

Perhaps add some famous people’s names to the vocabularies?

Like lvl 22lvl 23みやざき 駿lvl 53はやお?

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