WaniKani Content Additions: Ongoing from April 29, 2021

For 木星, wouldn’t it be a good mnemonic to say that its atmosphere has patterns that look like wood grain?
Trying to imagine trees growing on it doesn’t really help me differentiate it from other planets.

And while we are on the subject of planets: 水星 (level 6) became a lot easier for me to remember after learning 水銀 (level 13) so maybe you could consider moving it?


Agreed, pictures of Jupiter look like someone just applied a wood floor texture to a ball


True! We’ve added that as an alternative mnemonic. We’ll consider moving 水星 too.


Cool, my first contribution to WaniKani :blush:. Thank you @TofuguJenny!

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Can 老人 (elderly person) get the meaning “elderly” as an alternative meaning, or does that mean something different? According to jisho at least it means that too. I always answer it as elderly, because I go “ah, elderly + person, of course, that’s elderly”.

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Elderly alone would be an adjective, not a noun. Perhaps you could say the elderly, but that’s not the same thing.

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I just realized that all these additions are actually nothing more than an effort to bring the total number of Wanikani items over 9000.


Yes, we’re trying to become Super Sayajin after all.

(for those unaware, Fixio is joking, it’s an anime meme)


And then you learn Japanese and realize he actually says 八千以上だ but the meme has already taken hold :joy:


For some reason the audio recordings for WaniKani / Vocabulary / 絞める disappeared. Can you re-add them, please? They should be identical to WaniKani / Vocabulary / 締める

Since 近視(きんし) and 遠視(えんし) can both be used with の to make adjectives, can “nearsighted” and “farsighted” be added to their allow lists? Same request for “obese” with 肥満, especially given that’s how it’s used in the context sentence.

Just going to edit this post instead of making new ones because I doubt content changes are being considered at this hour

What about adding “event coverage” to 取材(しゅざい)? It already has “covering an event,” but “event coverage” sounds much more natural in English and means the same thing, right?

One of 国際’s example sentences has Tofugo in romaji.


We’ll consider them but could you add all those to your user synonyms if you need to use them right away?

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現在 also has romaji in its example sentence.

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Thanks for the suggestions. I’ll have a look at them during this week’s updates!

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This week’s additions and other changes are now live:


  • Level 13: 天王星 (てんのうせい) - Uranus

  • Level 44: 土砂 (どしゃ) - Sediment

  • Level 51: 亮平 (りょうへい) - Ryohei

  • Level 52: 綾乃 (あやの) - Ayano

  • Level 52: 大輔 (だいすけ) - Daisuke

  • Level 58: 勿体ない (もったいない) - wasteful


  • Level 33: (すな) - moved up to level 36.


  • Level 17: 性愛 (せいあい) - Although 同性愛 and 異性愛 are common, 性愛 by itself is very uncommon. We also have a lot of other words to practice these readings ofand 愛.

  • Level 19: 借財 (しゃくざい) - This word is obscure, and we have enough other words to practice these readings ofand 財.


I see names :eyes: :sparkles: Thank you, Jenny! :durtle_hello:


For this one, I intentionally tried てんおうせい first (without really paying attention to the lesson) and got a shake and the “remember how ん is typed with two n’s” message.

Since it’s easy to see how one might (mistakenly) guess てんおうせい as the reading like I did (instead of entering it as a typing blunder), would it be possible/appropriate to disable that particular shake for this one? I’d be curious what other people think. I’d probably prefer to be drilled harshly on the right reading, but it’s not the end of the world as-is and would certainly make the reviews go a little easier :slight_smile:


Thanks for catching this! There was supposed to be a custom message for that one, which didn’t give away the right answer :woman_facepalming:

If you type てんおうせい now, you should get a message telling you that the reading is possible, but there is a much more common reading. Hopefully that is a good compromise!


Yay for names!


“You’ll still see that listed as an alternative reading in some dictionaries, but it’s pretty much never used nowadays, so we’ll only accept the てんのうせい reading.”

I’m gonna’ have to be careful on this one.