[Voting Now!] The Intermediate Manga Club (IMC) // Now Reading: ダンジョン飯

I really wanted to like it, but was confounded at every turn. and every time it seemed like there might be some redeeming quality, some tiny glimmer of hope, it just shoots itself in the foot, usually multiple times, sometimes it sets itself on fire after


Also the number of Railgun arcs that are resolved by Toma suddenly popping up to save the day. Especially later on in the series. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy Railgun on the whole, it’s just that a number of the later arcs follow a pattern of Mikoto investigates another level 6 project, the project triggers some uncontrollable super mode in Mikoto, Toma suddenly shows up and solves the problem.

I have been reading Index so I get the whole story on what’s happening with the Railgun characters (like why Kuroko is in a wheelchair for several arcs) but I find it rather hard to follow the plot. And the spin-off’s spin-off A Certain Scientific Accelerator is weirdly dull.


I read this one as chapters in Harta already, but if it got chosen I would take that as a sign and buy the volume and reread it with the club. :blush:


Assuming you’re familiar with Natively levels, around what level would you say it is?

Also, how did you enjoy the chapters that would (roughly) make up the first volume and the series as a whole? (no spoilers please)



Author: 岩岡ヒサエ
Page count: 219
Natively: 幸せのマチ | L26?? (I have zero-familiarity with the Natively ratings, so unfortunately I can’t verify whether it’s a Level 26 or not.)





(From mangaupdates.com) Mikumo’s cafe and Yano’s gift shop are located next to each other. She likes him, but is too shy to say anything. Thankfully, the spirit of Yano’s mother remained behind to watch over him, and mom’s going to do her best to see him happy. The lives of two shopkeepers whose romance is non-existent, watched over by the meddling spirits of their departed loved ones.


Manga Republic
BookWalker (Included in current coin back event)

Personal Opinion

I read and enjoyed this mangaka’s other work 土星マンション/Saturn Apartments in English, so I’ve been meaning to check out her other untranslated manga as well, such as this one. I find that Hisae Iwaoka is really good at setting the scene with her elaborate backgrounds and general attention to detail. In 土星マンション I was also impressed with the nuanced way she handled the characters, who were both complex and endearing. So I’m hoping for more of the same with this one! Also, slice-of-life/supernatural has got be one of my favourite genres, which is exactly what 幸せのマチ is~

Pros and Cons


  • It’s a stand-a-lone book, so if chosen, we could read an entire story from start to finish
  • A josei manga, which doesn’t seem to get picked very often in book clubs
  • Romance featuring adults, but still PG
  • No furigana + some handwritten asides, so unlikely to ever be picked in the ABBC or BBC


  • No furigana + some handwritten asides
  • Possibly some specialized vocabulary concerning cafes/baking and sewing, since that’s what the professions of the main characters involve


First Three Pages of Chapter One

Additional Pages

Last page is photo by me, so that’s why it looks a little faint.


Well, I recognise that art style. This “another work” isn’t 土星マンション, is it?


I requested the item to be created now (it’s easy to do just need the Amazon JP link, which you provided!), will probably be searchable on Natively soon


Yeah, that’s the one.


I’m not sure what Natively level クプルムの花嫁 would be, but I think it’s beyond the BBC in any case. And I did enjoy those chapters! I think it’s a nice mix of cute and funny relationship stuff, artistic struggles, and nonfictional information about copper smithing and the area they live in.


It’s been added on Natively, if you want to add it to your Nomination post :slight_smile: 幸せのマチ | L26??
Though I can’t seem to find it via a search for 幸せのマチ, so I can’t add it to the Nomination list on Natively as of yet :confused:


You can add a book to one of your lists directly from the book page:


Waw smart! Thanks for the tip, it’s added now :smiling_face:


Last call for last nomination, as I will post the first poll on the 24th :slight_smile: (or before if the last post gets taken)
If no one has something, I’m thinking about nominating るろうに剣心 1 | L34 . I really want to read it and it’s definitely a hard one!


If that level is accurate I think it might actually be too hard for this club.

I do plan on nominating クプルムの花嫁 which I mentioned a couple days ago. If someone really wants to nominate another manga on top of that (whether yours or another one) I’m happy to withdraw the 海月姫 nominations if necessary.


I’ve got more to nominate too, but as I’ve already got two in the pool, I might hold off for now.


i’ll also hold off on putting more in. nice since some of the other series I was thinking about nominating were nominated by other people :laughing:

I flipped through the bookwalker preview and I didn’t see anything that made me think it might be a 34. The only really high level manga I’ve ever seen a club do was the ABC reading nausicaa (34 at the time, 35 now) last year, and that definitely was harder than this appears to be

I’m not opposed to reading a 33+ manga if it’s a good one, and there aren’t a lot of actual manga at that level out there, but I’d definitely want to take it slower than the ABC was reading nausicaa I think


What else did you have in mind?

1 Like

Dr Stone, for starters. Maybe other things. Can’t call them to mind at the time - I might need to check my collection when I’m at home.



Natively: Level ??



高校を卒業したてのギャル・しいなは 突然こんな言葉を鎚起銅器職人の彼氏・修(しゅう)に投げかけられた。 「結婚しないか――?」 血痕? いやいや、結婚です。 超うれしいけど、彼の家は職人一家!?!? 仕事とか歴史とかよくわからないけど、 大好きな彼のためにうまくやります! やってみせます! 愛のパワーとギャルの力で全部のりきるもんね~♪ 新潟県・燕三条地域を舞台に繰り広げられる、 職人とギャルの、ちぐはぐだけどラブラブ婚約生活をお楽しみに!

Shiina, a freshman in college, is enjoying a cozy life in Niigata Prefecture dating her coppersmith boyfriend, Shuu. She’s grown used to the rhythmic sound of his hammer, inwardly dubbing him the “smithing nut” for his obsession with hunkering down in the workshop, even on his days off. What she’s not ready for is a sudden proposal out of nowhere! Barely out of high school, is she ready for the next step? And more importantly, can she really hack marrying into a prestigious smithing family?


Amazon JP | CD Japan
Kindle | BookWalker

Personal Opinion

I really like 狼少年は今日も嘘を重ねる | L28 by the same author, so I’ve wanted to check out this manga for a while. The premise is interesting and should be a good opportunity to learn some niche stuff about smithing.

Pros and Cons


  • @MaraVos read it and said “I think it’s a nice mix of cute and funny relationship stuff, artistic struggles, and nonfictional information about copper smithing and the area they live in.”
  • Unique setup


  • Likely niche vocab


I don’t know what pages would be representative (since I haven’t read it yet), so just check out the preview on bookwalker.


I just nominated クプルムの花嫁 as I said I would, but as I mentioned I’m happy to withdraw my nomination of 海月姫 so someone else can get a first or second nomination if they would like. I definitely don’t need three nominations, I just decided I’d rather nominate this than 海月姫. @Akashelia it’s your call how long to wait for a replacement nomination for 海月姫 before opening the poll.