Intermediate Japanese Book Club // Now Reading: セーラー服と機関銃

My script to automatically calculate difficulties is broken right now and I don’t have time to fix it, so only partial difficulty data. In any case, you should check for yourself before voting.

Poll for the next book is here!

Please see the List of Proposed Books section in the first post for the details for each book. Every book has a difficulty associated with it (based on book club members voting, thus subjective) out of 5, where 1 means “no effort at all” and 5 means “impossible, even with everyone’s help”. (Or some other thing, depending on what is the current difficulty polling fashion).

Do not rely solely on difficulty when making a choice. Please have a look at nomination posts if you haven’t already.

We will start the next book on May 8th or May 15th. (1 or 2 weeks of break, respectively)

I will close the poll within a week (and most likely before that), whenever it looks like voting has dried up. You can choose up to 5 options .

  • Your Name [3.10/ 20 votes]
  • Night Market [2.73/ 15 votes]
  • ブギーポップは笑わない [3.10/ 10 votes]
  • ポーション頼みで生き延びます! [3.50/ 8 votes]
  • All You Need Is Kill [3.38/ 8 votes]
  • Smoothly Memorise with Manga and Repetition: The Hyakunin Isshu [3.25/ 8 votes]
  • 空挺ドラゴンズ [2.60/ 5 votes]
  • ifの悲劇 [2.57/ 7 votes]
  • 1リットルの涙 難病と闘い続ける少女亜也の日記 [2.57/ 7 votes]
  • 最先端の日本酒ペアリング ー SAKE PAIRING [2.50/ 4 votes]
  • 聖☆おにいさん – Saint Young Men
  • 博士の愛した数式 - The Professor’s Beloved Equation
  • もやしもん - Tales of Agriculture
  • 乳と卵 - Breasts and Eggs

0 voters