Visual Novel Book Club


Developer: Liar-soft
VNDB Play Time: 8h26m
VNDB Link: Adabana Itan | vndb
Character count: Not on jpdb so not sure. Based on what I’ve heard, I’d estimate anywhere from 200-250k.
Number of weeks to finish: 9-12 weeks?


A girl finds herself in a dark and unfamiliar forest when a monster appears out of nowhere and attacks. A mysterious boy, wielding a brush as if it were a sword, appears just in time to cut down the monster.

He calls himself Kurofude, and he addresses the girl in a familiar tone as Shirohime. Yet she does not recognize him or the name he calls her. She has lost all of her memories.

According to Kurofude, they are in the land of Adabana, a realm of illustrated books. Their tales are like dreams; no matter how deeply one immerses oneself in them, once one wakes up, they are gone. Thus the name Adabana—a name given to flowers that will never bear fruit. Their duty is to travel through story realms and look for signs of distortions in the tales.

Shirohime, a girl with seemingly all the agency of a doll, accepts this explanation and opens a book handed to her. The title: Hanasaka Jiisan. As she opens the dilapidated illustrated book with its pages riddled with worm-eaten holes, the pages glow brightly and whisk the girl and boy away to a fairy tale realm…



Personal Opinion

The visual novel is relatively short and the genre is a lot different than the stuff we have read so far. It is also available on both steam & Switch so everyone should be able to participate. The art is also very beautiful.

Pros and Cons for the Book Club


  • Beautiful art
  • Can texthook
  • All the characters are voiced


  • It’s a Liar-soft game so the language is probably harder than anything we’ve read so far
  • Three routes (although it seems simple to go through them)
  • Steam version seems to be unavailable if you are in Europe so you would have to buy the game on JAST to play it on PC.



Difficulty Poll

How much effort would you need to read this VN?

  • No effort at all
  • Minimal effort
  • Moderate effort
  • Significant effort
  • So much effort my head might explode
  • I don’t know

0 voters