Vote time!
Hey everyone; it’s election day! Make sure you get out there and vote for your favorite visual novel
I ran the last poll for one week so yeah sure, let’s do that. The options seem to like to reset themselves so here’s hoping I got this all correct
Voting ends on the 15th. 3 votes per person. Check out the links in the top post for information on our choices
- キラキラモンスターズ
- マルコと銀河竜
- ATRI -My Dear Moments-
- fault - milestone one
- 月影のシミュラクル
- D.M.L.C.-デスマッチラブコメ-
- 9-nine-ここのつここのかここのいろ
- 終のステラ
- 百花百狼 戦国忍法帖 (Nightshade)
0 voters