Using the は particle after a verb?

Hello, I’m new to this forum but have been using WaniKani for a while now. I just had a quick question about this sentence.

“The lion paused, and then continued walking.”

In the above sentence, it looks like they used the は particle to mark the verb 立ち止まって as the topic. But arn’t particles only used after nouns?

て can take は after it. It has a few usages. To me this reads as the grammar structure of “verb A in て form + は + verb B” which means “to do A and B repeatedly.”

Seems like normal behavior for a lion.

Other places you’ll see は after a て include the conditional phrases like 〜てはだめ or 〜てはいけない, which means “must not 〜”.


Thanks! That answered my question. So in this case would it be correct to say that は isn’t acting like the topic marker particle? It looks more like it has a unique interaction with て.

Yeah, this looks like a set construction to me.

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