[Userstyle] WaniKani Breeze Dark

Yay, that worked, thanks! :3 Didn’t realize I had to remove the brackets too, so weird errors appeared :laughing:


@valeth can you add

body {
	--radical-color: /*[[radicals-color]]*/;
	--kanji-color: /*[[kanji-color]]*/;
	--vocabulary-color: /*[[vocab-color]]*/;

to the theme? This would allow userscript authors to access these user-defined colors in their own CSS with var(--radical-color, #00AAFF), var(--kanji-color, #FF00AA) and var(--vocabulary-color, #AA00FF).


I can’t recall ever having experienced this on any other level, the kanji all appear unlocked with Dark Breeze on, so I spent a few minutes being confused thinking 18 was suddenly a fast level :stuck_out_tongue:

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Looking for new maintainer

Looking for somebody (or even multiple people) that want to maintain and update the userstyle.
Because of other projects that require me working on them full-time I do no longer have the time to maintain this project myself.
You can simply request repository access here

Stay healthy,


I would do it if I knew anything about working with CSS the way you’re doing. Not really up for learning that right now

Hello everyone,

I joined the repository today. I can’t be called a CSS expert and I might not have a lot of time available, but at the very least I will be able to make fixes and corrections.

With that out of the way, update 1.3.8 is out with following fixes:

  • Position of lessons progress below lesson content
  • Titlebar of WKOF’s settings dialog
  • Locked item indication on dashboard
  • Shadow issues with radical images

As always, if you find something is broken on WK because of the style, please report issues here.


This might be a big task, but I would really appreciate it if you could either completely style the WKOF settings dialog, or scope the existing rules such that they don’t affect the dialog at all. In its current state it’s a bit of a mess and I turn it off whenever I access any settings

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I’ve already been looking at it, so I will be slowly pushing fixes. If you have something that annoys you in particular let me know, I can start with that :slight_smile:

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Have you looked at including these fixes?

also this one for illegible popovers:


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I’m aware of the first one, I’m already looking into it.
As for the second one, I don’t get these tooltips. Is this a user script?

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oh, right, that’s from the Dashboard Progress Plus script, forgot that wasn’t vanilla. I guess you don’t need to add a fix for that to the style. Though it’s good to know for users of the script.

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The style seems to have support for that particular script, so I’ll take a look at that.

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Ok, that’s enough for the first day :slight_smile:

1.3.9 release


  • styled fieldsets in WKOF settings dialogs
  • styled tab headers in WKOF settings dialogs


  • support for stroke order script
  • colors in Dashboard Progress Plus popovers


  • support for old (and broken at this point) lesson reorder script - this fixes styles for Reorder Ultimate 2

The hero we need, and the hero we deserve :pray:t2:


I checked how the settings styling looks in Item Inspector. Overall it looks good. Congratulations. :+1:.

There are still a few remaining issues.

Checkboxes don’t appear to be styled.


Divider lines are invisible and section titles are unreadable.



In Item Inspector and Self-Study Quiz the filters are not properly styled. Also the dividing lines are added. They shouldn’t be there.


Filters are located into a group. When the first filter checkbox is checked, its styling spills over the group label.


Thanks for letting me know, I have some time today, so I’ll take a look.

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Thank you. I had another look at the divider lines in Item Inspector and Self Study Quiz filters. There are there but they are very faint, barely visible. Breeze Dark makes them too visible.

On another note, in the tables newly Unlocks, Critical condition and Burned Items the color code for the items is absent. There is no cue as to whether the item is a radical, a kanji or a vocabulary anymore. Is there a way to restore some color coding?

I’ll check it out, I have them removed and forgot they existed :slight_smile:

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That was not you. Color coding was gone for a long time.

I see that you’re the author of Item Inspector. The filters are a custom view from the user script and not something WKOF generated, right? If so, I’ll maybe add custom support for the user script.

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