[Userscript] WK Dashboard Cockpit

Happy Birthday!

We’re around the same place in our WaniKani journey, but I find myself thinking more like we are halfway to level 30, at which point we’ll be able to read ~90% of the Kanji most frequently used on Twitter and news sites. At which point, we’ll be more than capable of reading native material; the thought that we are already halfway to that point is inspiring!


Lol I had a similar experience with the detail numbers for Apprentice I-IV. As I do a fixed amount of lessons per day, I know how many items there are ‘supposed’ to be in each category, and seeing the individual numbers was like staring at my review errors permanently.

In this case you can turn it off, or you can do what I do - see it being chipped away at every day.

I’m sure I can come up with something :slight_smile:
It will need to fit in other layouts too though…


Thanks so much for making this! I just installed and it looks gorgeous so far. Also, thanks for making it so customizable, with all the different settings.

I restarted WaniKani after an almost two year break, and the first time around I had NO IDEA about userscripts and all the things you can customize about this app. The time I’m using a bunch, and I have to say, it’s been fun. :star_struck: So thank you for contributing to the WaniKani experience.


Absolutely love this! Looks great, plays well with other scripts and gives all needed information in a clear overview! Thank you so much for making this!

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Hi, there! Quick question, what script do you have on the left? The white one with “Recently Failed items” and the like? That looks SUPER useful!

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Sure thing! It’s called RKV Tiny Bars by Thalanor. I love the more compact presentation of all items in my ‘backlog’, makes much better use of the dashboard space. :sweat_smile:


Thank you! Looks great :smile:


This is absolutely cool


Can someone explain to me what a ‘leech’ is?
And ‘locked’ - I’ve not heard that one either…

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Leeches are essentially items that are answered wrongly multiple times. I.e. an item that gurus then masters, then gets sent back to guru, masters, enlightens, then back to guru. It’s semi-permanently in your review queue and simply won’t stick in your brain.
Not sure who coined the term - and the exact definition of what constitutes a leech varies. The formula by seanblue and hitechbunny takes the total number of times the item is answered wrongly, and divides it by the current streak of correct answers to the power 1.5. This gives the item a score, anything over a certain score is defined as ‘leech’.

Anything in WK not available yet for lessons because its level is higher, or required kanji or radicals have not been guru’d.


Ah, thanks. So it’s vaguely similar to ghosts on Bunpro, then.
That’s cool - so I can see how much I have left to do (6,836 :roll_eyes:)
Thanks :slight_smile:


Hi, how were you able to remove the WK version of the review forecast? Thanks in advance.


Hey there, if you have the WK Dashboard Cockpit installed there’s an option to remove the review forecast by going to the ‘Panels’ tab in the cockpit settings and unchecking the ‘Display the review forecast’ checkbox.



Well looky here who is not paying attention to the script settings???
This is so embarrassing…

Thank you very much though. Btw, which series is your avatar from? (asking for a friend…)


No judgment here, happens to everyone at one point or another!

It’s Schwarz from Arknights, but this particular image is fan-art; you can find more of the artist’s work here.


Thank you for sharing!


We have something in common, your “Locked” panel doesn’t show anything. I’m guessing it’s because I reset from 60 to 1?

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I don’t know. I assumed it’s because I greedily installed a bunch of scripts without the slightest idea about how much they’d clash with each other! I can’t fix it myself because I’m clueless (takes me about a decade to write 10 lines of code in R) but if you find a way/cause, please do share.

That’s what I have added:

I have never reset, I only just started WK.


Ah, I think I solved it. You have to install Kumi’s script “Locked count” for that panel to work.



We must have a different problem…