[Userscript] WaniKani Workload Graph

Yeah, sounds cool! I’ll have a look tonight.

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Nice! Reset from 4 back to 1 after waiting for the lifetime discount :grinning:
Screen Shot 2021-03-09 at 8.56.36 pm


ohhh! :eyes: New graph, super cool :+1:

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Well I know that since I’ve reset a few times levels 1-4 that makes sense, but I’m really wondering what that blue line over at level 30 is as I’ve never gotten to that high. Is that maybe burn forecast? or do I got some weird bug lol?


I don’t know how this script works exactly, but maybe those are items that were moved to higher levels? :thinking:


Ahhh I didn’t think about that! Thats prob what it is, I forgot that WK moved some items around over the time that I’ve used it lol


Yes of course! I can see the hills radical on level 29 :slight_smile: No idea what moved to level 32.
Also, I seem to have not managed to get rid of all the vertical lines yet :scream:

As far as I can tell, 3 resets The light grey is supposed to be the most recent one 5->2 ? blue is from before that (8 → 5 with shifted items appearing on levels 29 and 32) and green is the oldest (4 ->1),
so, you went
I think. edit: might be 1,2,3,4->1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8->6->3 without reviews on lvl 6 in between resets
I need to figure out how to handle these shifted items. They’re weird.
Great testcase!

edit2: vertical lines in 1.0.4 should be cleaned better now. No word on shifted items - might have to suffer these as I’ll not be able to place them in their previous level without some serious intervention.


Yaaa i reset a bunch of times in the past… The last few included me not doing any reviews since I reset looked at it and was like actually I should reset further. My account is a bit of a funny one lol seems to always find the oddities in these things lol. Makes me think of the wk timemachine when I tried useing that while it was being first developed and having all the weird things lol


It would be nice to have a way to filter on dates to draw the graph on. Mine is not very informative with that big gap between runs.


I like that idea. I’ll see what I can do!

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It’s beautiful! I’ve been a lot more consistent the past year, and it shows so perfectly! The difference mostly from doing a set number of lessons each day, almost without fail, and doing my reviews three times a day, also, almost without fail.


Did you see the second graph? Click the beaker icon to check your experienced difficulty per level before and after resetting.

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Ah okay, I’ll do that tomorrow, just put the laptop away.

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You’ll never be finished with this script

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It’ll probably get too big at one point and need to be abandoned, lol - but until then I can slowly add some things here and there.

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I registered for WaniKani in the beginning of 2019 and then dropped everything until March 2020. Would it be possible to get a setting for the graph so I can set the start date to March 2020 and not get the long stretch of no reviews in the graph?

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dont assume my graph please



Yes, I’m thinking either a start date or maybe a “zoom” function (from-to date) would be a good addition. I think I have an idea of what I would want to build. Stay tuned!

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I love these graphs. Mine looks like a bathtub right now (thanks, Covid!), so looking forward to the ability to add dates so I can just see the more recent stuff.

I noticed the “Fill Graph” option. I’d like to suggest an addition to that. It would be cool to have the levels all 0 indexed, so you can see how many Apprentice, how many Guru, etc, reviews rather than seeing the total. There are likely insights that are hidden because the values are additive.

I’d also be curious to see my graphs with the Apprentice and Guru levels broken out. Given how I do lessons, I often end up with unbalanced apprentice stacks. Seeing the bunny hops as reviews happen would be entertaining (I’m easily entertained, ok?).

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Well not sure if you updated something but at least the vertical lines from the future are gone lol

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