[Userscript] Wanikani Self-Study 1.1.5 - Add your own Vocabulary!

I’ve kinda stopped development on this so I’m glad you’re taking over :smiley:

We’re cooking now!

Wanikani Self-Study Plus
Version 0.0.8
remember to repair the //@require line and provide YOUR_API_HERE

When I originally started tinkering around with this script I just wanted to add a locking mechanism and incorporate the WK API.
The only reason I ever gave my version the moniker “Ethan Edition” was that I needed some way to differentiate it from the original version and wasn’t particularly creative.

I have now renamed it to the equally creative, but far less self-serving, Self-Study Plus, and since it seems I have the original authors blessing, I have given it its own thread. 

The biggest functional change in 0.0.8 is the ability to upload CSV files, however there are still things to remember when doing so:
-It ignores the first line (assumes header, and future releases will get information from it)
-It expects the each row to contain kanji, reading, and meaning, in that order, separated by commas.
-Multiple reading and meaning must be separated by tabs
vocab, reading, meaning

Some fixes that are on the way:
-It will not successfully import a csv that has a row missing the reading, for example:  新聞,newspaper
 (there needs to be at least one character, and it will be added as the reading for that vocab)
-It will not successfully import any csv that contains a vocab already added

Other than that I am pretty happy with it so far.
I consider it to be functional at this stage, report bugs on greasyfork.

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