The pitch info in the question area is currently showing “undefined”.
I believe that it’s caused by wkItemInfo.currentState.reading
returning [undefined]
See [For Userscript Authors] WK Item Info Injector - #63 by flippfuzz
How did you do that? I’ve done a diff with your version 0.80 vs version 0.79 and don’t see this.
I’m trying to fix the pitch in question area right now and will submit a pull request with the other 2 points.
Thank you very much for this script!
I have some questions for words with multiple readings.
For example, for 力士 we see this diagram:
- Does this mean the word can be read in two different ways?
- What do the colors (orange and pink in this case) represent?
- Can I find out which pitch is the more commonly used one?
The colors just correspond to the 4 pitch patterns. And both readings are possible. The first one is probably the more common one, but it could also be different.
You can just listen to the two sample audio files to see what they’re using.
Also sometimes one accent is only used with one word type and the other for the other one, like for a word that is a na-adjective and noun.
But this isn’t too common and you will probably correct that at some point if you continue learning Japanese, so don’t worry too much about it.